Configure Standardized Test

Define which standardized tests will be recorded for applicants and students. Associate the components to the test along with valid score ranges for each component.

Create, update, and delete various standardized tests, their components and valid score ranges. Test components may include total score, math section score, and so on. These test data can be used for admissions or student records processes. Oracle Fusion Cloud Student Management provides the standardized test setup for ACT, SAT, TOEFL, IELTS, GRE, and GMAT tests. Also, you can copy these seeded layouts to create additional values if needed.

To go to the Manage Standardized Tests landing page, from Student Central, click Search and search for Standardized Tests.

Here are some things you can do on this page:
  • Search by test name or code or use the filters to search for a standardized test setup.
  • Change a standardized test status to active or inactive.
  • Create a new test score setting for any external testing agency with all the required details and add associated components and valid score ranges.
  • Configure a predefined standardized test setup along with its associated components and valid score ranges.
  • Create a new test instance of a predefined standardized test setup or duplicate the details and components as a template to create a new test.
Here is how to create a new test score setting:
  1. From Student Central, click Search and search for Standardized Tests.
  2. Click Create Test Score Setting and specify the required details, such as Start Date, Test Name, and so on.
  3. On the Components tab, click Add Row to add associated components and valid score ranges.
  4. Click the Active toggle button to activate the test setup.

You can use an external testing agency in the standardized test setup. To do that, you must first create a record for that testing agency in the Student Management External Organizations record, using the organization type of test provider.