This is an interface table for staging definition of Month level details of Fiscal and Gregorian Calendars. The 'Pre-Processor' would then validate the data in this table and then insert into MSC_CALENDAR_MONTHS.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: MSC

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: INTERFACE


Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
SR_INSTANCE_ID NUMBER The value indicates the identifier of the source system from where the data is collected.
SR_INSTANCE_CODE VARCHAR2 30 The value indicates the source system code from where the data is collected.
CALENDAR_CODE VARCHAR2 32 Calendar code. This is unique across calendar types
CALENDAR_NAME VARCHAR2 240 Name of the calendar for the selected period.
DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2 250 Description of the associated calendar month.
YEAR VARCHAR2 30 The column indicates the details of the year for the current calendar.
YEAR_DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2 250 The column indicates the description of the year for the current calendar.
YEAR_START_DATE DATE The column indicates the start date of the year for the current calendar.
YEAR_END_DATE DATE The column indicates the end date of the year for the current calendar.
QUARTER VARCHAR2 30 The column indicates the quarter details for the current calendar.
QUARTER_SEQ_NUM NUMBER 1 The column indicates the sequence number for the quarter for the current calendar.
QUARTER_START_DATE DATE The column indicates the start date of the quarter for the current calendar.
MONTH VARCHAR2 30 The column indicates the month of the specified year for the current calendar.
MONTH_START_DATE DATE The column indicates the start date of the month for the current calendar.
MONTH_END_DATE DATE The column indicates the end date of the month for the current calendar.
DELETED_FLAG VARCHAR2 10 Flag indicating whether this is a deleted record
REFRESH_NUMBER NUMBER This value indicates the refresh identifier populated by the collection program.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
ERROR_TEXT VARCHAR2 2000 Error text for functional validation errors in the record.
ERROR_CODE VARCHAR2 150 Error code for functional validation errors in the record.
RETRY_COUNT NUMBER The column is used during planning collection run when the record fails to get loaded into ODS.
LOAD_REQUEST_ID NUMBER The column indicates the request id of the job that loads the data into staging.
PROCESS_FLAG NUMBER Processing Flag indicating the status of records during pre-processing. 1- Complete Record, 2- Error Record, 3- Warning Record, 4- Retry Record, 5- New Record.