Options for Resolving Payment File Transmission Failures

When a payment file transmission failure occurs, you can choose from the following options:

  • Transmit the file again.

  • Ignore the transmission failure.

  • Stop the payment process.

Transmitting the File Again

Transmitting the file again assumes that any previous transmission failure was the result of a temporary issue or that setup was corrected after the original attempt to transmit. This action attempts to retransmit the payment file.

Ignoring the Transmission Failure

Ignore the transmission failure:

  • When you must force the payment file status to Transmitted after successfully transmitting the file outside the application

  • When you confirm with your bank that it was successfully received despite the failure status

When you instruct the application to ignore the failure, it updates the status of the payment file to Transmitted.

Stopping the Payment Process

When you decide to terminate the payment file, the application sets the status of the payment file to Terminated. Oracle Fusion Payments informs the source product of the terminated documents payable. For each payment in the payment file, Payments sets the status to Canceled. The source product unlocks the documents and resets their status so they are available for future selection.