Set Your Assignment Levels

If you have more than one sourcing assignment, then Promising prioritizes them so it knows which one to apply first. Promising uses the most detailed assignment first. You can specify this behavior.

For example, the Item and Customer and Customer Site level is more detailed than the Item and Customer level. Why? Because:

  • The Item and Customer and Customer Site level looks at 3 pieces of data. It says to use the assignment only if the fulfillment line has the item, customer, and customer site that you specify.
  • The Item and Customer level looks at only 2 pieces of data. It says to use the assignment only if the fulfillment line has the item and the customer that you specify.

Assume you sell the AS54888 item to your Computer Service and Rentals customer, and they have 12 customer sites. 11 of the sites are local retail stores. The 12th site is their flagship store. Computer Service and Rentals wants you to fulfill the orders that you get from the flagship store before any of the other sites, so you create one sourcing rule for the flagship and another one for the other 11 sites.

Here's what you're sourcing assignment should look like.

Assignment Level Customer Customer Site Sourcing Type Sourcing Rule
Item and Customer Computer Service and Rentals - Sourcing Rule Sources for AS54888
Item and Customer and Customer Site Computer Service and Rentals Flagship Sourcing Rule Sources for AS54888 for Flagship Site

Assume you have two fulfillment lines.

Line Item Customer Ship-to Address
1 AS54888 Computer Service and Rentals


2 AS54888 Computer Service and Rentals Empty

Here's what Promising does:

  • Looks through all the sourcing assignments that you've created.
  • Applies the most detailed one first.
  • In this example, it applies the Item and Customer and Customer Site assignment to line 1 first because this assignment level is more detailed than Item and Customer.
  • Assigns line 1 to the Sources for AS54888 for Flagship Site sourcing rule.
  • Assigns line 2 to the Sources for AS54888 sourcing rule.