Jeopardy Score

Use jeopardy to get a quick visual cue of the likelihood that a fulfillment task will delay fulfillment, and then take action to reduce delay.

Jeopardy indicates whether the orchestration process that's processing fulfillment lines for the sales order is at risk of not meeting your customer's requested delivery date.

Jeopardy indicates whether your sales order is at risk of not meeting your customer's requested delivery date.

You can use jeopardy in Order Management to help prevent delayed delivery. Consider these concepts.




The level of risk that the delay of an orchestration process task might cause to meeting fulfillment dates.

Jeopardy can be low, medium, or high.

Jeopardy score

A numeric ranking that indicates the severity of a delay in meeting fulfillment dates.

Jeopardy priority

A value that describes the level of risk that's associated with delaying a fulfillment task.

Jeopardy priority can be low, medium, or high.


  • Order Management uses forward planning and backward planning across an orchestration process to calculate promise dates for each orchestration process task. If one of these tasks is delayed, then Order Management uses jeopardy to indicate the severity of the delay.

  • Order Management calculates jeopardy score and jeopardy priority every time it plans or replans an orchestration process.

  • Order Management uses the lead time of each orchestration process step and the dates from the sales order, such as required completion date, when it plans an orchestration process and assigns it to the sales order.

  • Each fulfillment task includes a planned start date and a completion date.

  • If a fulfillment task is delayed, then Order Management replans the entire orchestration process.

  • If Order Management expects that a fulfillment task will finish after the required completion date of the task, then it assigns a jeopardy score to each fulfillment task according to the jeopardy threshold.

  • Order Management maps jeopardy score to jeopardy priority, then displays the priority in the Order Management work area.

Jeopardy Priority

Jeopardy priority measures the fulfillment task that contains the highest jeopardy score. If more than one fulfillment task in an orchestration process is in jeopardy of not finishing on time, then Order Management uses the highest jeopardy score when it displays jeopardy for the orchestration process.

Assume supply in the warehouse that the Carpet Processing orchestration process references isn't sufficient to fulfill the fulfillment line, so it causes delays.

  • A three day delay for the Deliver Carpet task that results in a jeopardy score of 100 and a jeopardy priority of Medium

  • A three day delay for the Invoice Carpet task that results in a jeopardy score of 200 and a jeopardy priority of High

Two hundred is the higher score, so Order Management uses the jeopardy score for the Invoice Carpet task as the jeopardy for the Carpet Processing orchestration process. The Order Management work area displays a jeopardy priority of High.

Jeopardy Score for Fulfillment Tasks

Order Management assigns a jeopardy score to a fulfillment task according to the jeopardy threshold. If a fulfillment task is delayed, then Order Management calculates the difference between the required completion date and the planned completion date for the task, then searches for a threshold that applies to the largest number of entities that the fulfillment task references. Here's the sequence it uses when it searches for the threshold.

  1. Search the process name, process version, task name, and task type.

  2. Search the process name, process version, and task name.

  3. Search the process name and task name.

  4. Search the process name, process version, and task type.

  5. Search the process name and task type.

  6. Search the process task name.

  7. Search the process name and process version.

  8. Search the process name.

  9. Search the task type.

For example:

  1. Search for a jeopardy threshold that applies to the task type, task name, process name, and process version. If Order Management doesn't find a threshold that applies to all of these attributes, then continue to step 2.

  2. Search for a jeopardy threshold that applies to the process name, process version, and task name. If Order Management doesn't find a threshold that applies to all of these attributes, then continue to step 3.

  3. And so on.

Order Management continues this process until it finds a threshold that applies to one attribute or a combination of attributes, then sets jeopardy score according to the threshold that it assigns to the fulfillment task.

Jeopardy score might change during replanning. If replanning results in a change to jeopardy priority, and if the jeopardy priority value is enabled, then Order Management updates the jeopardy values.

Your order administrator sets up jeopardy, including thresholds that affect jeopardy score.