Jeopardy Priority

Jeopardy indicates the severity of a delay of a task in an orchestration process. You can modify the predefined range of jeopardy scores for a jeopardy priority to control how Order Management calculates and displays jeopardy.

For example, you can set a minimum score of 0, and a maximum score of 100 for the Low jeopardy priority.


  • You can use jeopardy on planned dates or on actual dates. This set up allows an order manager to become aware that a jeopardy condition might exist before it actually happens, and to take action to fix the condition and reduce jeopardy.

  • You can't add or delete a jeopardy priority.

  • You can't modify the value of a predefined jeopardy priority, such as Low.

Learn about jeopardy and how it works. For details, see Jeopardy Score.