Manage Help for Fields and Other UI Elements

Help text might appear when you hover over or click certain UI elements on the page. For example, you might see help text when you put your cursor in a specific field, or hover over an icon.

How You Go About It

  • Use the User Interface Text tool to edit the help text for most types of UI elements, such as buttons, icons, and fields. You can also use this tool to edit the sentence or two of help text before the links in help windows.

    • You usually use this tool to make bulk changes, for example to change a phrase wherever it appears in any UI label, help for UI elements, message, and so on. You search for existing text and enter what you want to replace it with.

    • So if you need to edit the help text for a specific UI element on a specific page, it works best if the help text is not too generic. For example, when you hover over an icon, say you currently see Create. In the User Interface Text tool, you would search for Create and get many results. It might be hard to tell which result is for the specific icon you're working on. But if the help text is something like Create an Object, then you can search for Create an Object and most likely find the instance you want to replace with your own text.

  • Use Page Composer to add help text, usually for buttons that don't have existing help text. Open the button's properties and enter your help text in the Short Desc field.