System Controls

System controls provide information about the structure of your company.

Define system controls by identifying:

  • Your enterprise (company) name

  • The oldest date placed in service

  • Your flexfield structures

  • Your asset numbering scheme

Enterprise Name

The enterprise name establishes the name that appears on Oracle Assets reports.

Oldest Date Placed in Service

The oldest date placed in service controls what dates are valid to place assets in service and on what date to begin your calendars. You can only update the oldest date placed in service before you assign any calendars to depreciation books.

Flexfield Structures

Define your company's Category, Location, and Asset Key flexfield structures, which will be used to record transactions.

Configure flexfield segments to capture data that represents the values of attributes. You can define any number of segments for each flexfield, but Assets supports only one structure. The administrator must choose a structure for each key flexfield that will be used to record transactions.

Automatic Asset Numbering

The starting asset number defines the number to begin automatically numbering your assets. Note that some asset numbers may be skipped.

When you use automatic numbering, then manual numbering must be less than the starting asset number that you have established. In other words, if you start automatic numbering at 50,001, manual numbering must be between 1 and 50,000. Asset numbers with a letter in them aren't reserved for automatic asset numbering, since the automatic numbers are a numeric sequence.

If you're converting from another application, you can enter a starting number greater than the number of assets you want to convert so converted assets keep the same number from the previous application. For example, if you're converting 75,000 assets, you can enter 100,001 as the starting number to reserve the numbers 1 to 100,000 for manual asset numbering. Note that adding the 75,000 assets will increment the automatic numbering sequence by 75,000 (automatically numbered assets will begin at 175,001).

If you want Assets to always generate the asset number automatically when assets are added, enable the Prevent user entered asset number option. Enabling this option prevents users from entering or changing the asset number and ensures that asset numbers are only generated automatically by the application.