Overview of Bank Statement Processing and Troubleshooting

The results of the Bank Statement Processing program are displayed in the Bank Statements and Reconciliation work area if a problem is encountered.

The Processing Errors and Warnings region displays the following statuses:



Load Error

This status is assigned at the file level. A file fails with load errors for the following two reasons: An error in fetching the data or an error parsing the data and populating the interface tables. Such errors typically arise when the data isn't compliant with its standard.

Import Error

This status is assigned at both statement level and file level. An import error at statement level indicates that the data was populated in the interface and loaded successfully but some functional validations have failed. Example: Duplicate bank statement or a transaction code not set up. An import error at file level implies that there exists at least one statement in that file that failed with an import error.

Import Warning

This status is assigned at the statement level. Statements with Import Warning imply that this statement has been imported without any errors, but the program encountered some functional validation failures which are harmless enough not to stop the import.

Depending on the status of the file or the statement and the associated issue you can use the Retry icon to restart the program from where it failed in its last run. The following table explains the different retry options available:


Fields on the Retry Dialog

Action on Program Resubmission

Load Error

If the file failed during the fetch phase (no hyperlink on File ID), all the parameters that were specified during program submission are available in the dialog. The parameters can then be updated and program resubmitted again.

The program starts all over again from the fetch phase.

Load Error

If the file failed during the load phase (hyperlink on the File ID). Since the file is already fetched, the parameters associated with fetching the file aren't shown; rather only the Format parameter is shown. In case a wrong value for Format is specified in the earlier run, it can be corrected here and the program resubmitted again.

The program starts from the load phase. The program attempts to load the already fetched data file using the format specified.

Import Error

Import error at file level; no fields are available on retry dialog.

The program starts the import phase for all the statements that filed with import errors under that file.

Import Error

Import error at statement level. If a statement fails with Duplicate Bank Account error then the dialog shows the bank account field. The correct bank account can be selected and program resubmitted again.

The program starts the import phase for that particular statement, using the updated bank account. The program starts the import phase for that particular statement.

Import Error

Import error at statement level, for all other import errors, no fields are available on retry dialog.

The program starts the import phase for that particular statement, using the updated bank account. The program starts the import phase for that particular statement.

The following list of common issues and solutions can be used to troubleshoot the Bank Statement Processing program:



The program has been run and successfully completes but doesn't appear on the Manage Bank Statements page.

Check the Bank Statements and Reconciliation work area to verify if any processing errors have been reported for your bank statement.

The program has reported a load error for your file and you realize that the wrong file was processed and want to correct the error.

If the file was fetched (a hyperlink appears on the File ID field), you must purge the file to load the correct one. If the file wasn't fetched (no hyperlink on the File ID field), you can restart the program using the Retry option.

The program has reported a load error for your file and the file was fetched. You have figured out the problem in the data file and want to retry the program. Can you process the edited file?

No. If you reprocess a data file that has been fetched in the application, then you have to resubmit the program Once a file is fetched, subsequent retry on that file doesn't recall the data file from its original source.

You have processed a data file where some statements imported successfully, but some failed. The failures were because of an error from the bank. They have sent the corrected file, but the file contains the other statements data that was successfully imported. What is the impact if the file is processed again?

You can process the same file without any problem. The program has the capability to detect duplicate bank statements and it marks those statements as Import Error.

A transaction or balance code A in the data file appears as B after the import. Why?

Verify if there is a code mapping defined for A that maps it to B.

A new code map group has been defined but it doesn't seem to be working.

Make sure the new code map group is assigned to the Format in Oracle Fusion Payments.

The program reports an import error if a transaction code isn't defined, but doesn't report or give a warning if a balance code is missing for balances. What happens to the balance codes?

Such balances are imported by the program and they appear in the bank statements user interface. However, the balance description is empty because they a'ren't defined in the application.

After import, some balance records have an empty balance description.

Verify if the balance codes for the balance records are defined in the balance code lookup.

The program indicates that a transaction code isn't defined. Should a code map or a transaction code be defined?

If an existing internal code serves the same purpose as the new code, you can create a code map associating the new code with the existing code. If you use the existing transaction code, then you must define the transaction code.