Cost Hierarchy

The cost hierarchy represents the priority of the different levels you can enter cost information.

Cost Hierarchy Levels

The level you enter costs is a key determinant in how the application builds the cost account number. The application starts with the lowest level (element entry) and ends with the highest level (payroll), checking for a value at each level until it finds a value. If it finds an invalid cost combination, it places the costing result in a suspense account.

At the person level, costing details at the payroll relationship level apply to all the person's elements unless overrides are specified for the person at the assignment level. For person element, the level checked depends on the level specified in the element definition. For example, most deduction elements are defined at the payroll relationship level and earnings elements at the assignment level.

Levels Checked for Different Accounts

The costing process considers the type of account and the costing type of the element to determine which levels to use for processing.

This table summarizes the levels checked for different types of accounts.


Costing Type Option

Levels of Cost Hierarchy Checked


Costed, Distributed




Payroll, Element Eligibility, Element Entry

Suspense, Default

Not applicable

Payroll, Department

Offset, Priority

Not applicable

Element Eligibility

Levels Checked When Calculating Run Results

The Calculate Payroll process builds the account number for the payroll run results as of the current payroll period. The Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes process checks for costing details for account segments in the current payroll period before using the segment values from the original payroll period.

For example, when calculating the costing for a retroactive pay earnings element, the application checks first for a segment value for the retroactive pay element in the current payroll period. It checks the element entry level and then the element eligibility level. If it doesn't find any value for the segment there, it uses the costing of the original payroll period, beginning with the element entry level. If it doesn't find costing details there, it continues checking each level of the original payroll period until it finds a value for the segment.

You can use this table to understand how costing details for elements are derived, such as which levels the application checks for costing details, based on the type of account and costing type, and where you set up the values for the account segments for that level.

Derives details for elements

Hierarchy Level Accounts Checked Costing Types Costing Setup Pages
Element Entry Cost Fixed Costed, Costed, Distributed Element Entries
Person Element - Assignment Cost Costed, Distributed Costing for Persons
Person Element - Payroll Relationship Cost Costed, Distributed Costing for Persons
Person - Assignment Cost Costed, Distributed Costing for Persons
Person - Payroll Relationship Cost Costed, Distributed Costing of Persons
Position - Assignment Cost Costed, Distributed Costing of Positions
Job - Assignment Cost Costed, Distributed Costing of Jobs
Location-Assignment Cost Costed, Distributed Costing of Locations
Department - Assignment Cost, Default, Suspense Costed, Distributed Costing of Departments
Element Eligibility Cost, Offset, Priority Fixed Costed, Costed, Distributed Costing of Elements
Payroll Cost, Default, Suspense Fixed Costed, Costed, Distributed Costing of Payrolls
You can use this table to understand how costing details for retroactive elements process in the payroll run:

Costing details for retroactive elements processed in the payroll run

Hierarchy Level Sequence for Checking Details Payroll Period Checked Accounts Checked Costing Types Costing Setup Pages
Retroactive Pay

Element Entry

First level checked for costing details when building each account segment for retroactive pay elements only. If costing details aren't found for that segment, the application proceeds to the next level, the Retroactive Pay Element Eligibility level. Current Cost Fixed Costed, Costed, Distributed Element Entries
Retroactive Pay Element Eligibility Next level checked for retroactive pay elements only. If costing details aren't found for that segment, the application proceeds to the Element Entry level of the original payroll period. Current Cost Fixed Costed, Costed, Distributed Costing of Elements
Element Entry Next level checked. Original Cost Fixed Costed, Costed, Distributed Element Entries
Person Element - Assignment Next level checked. Original Cost Costed, Distributed Costing for Persons
Person Element - Payroll Relationship Next level checked. Original Cost Costed, Distributed Costing for Persons
Person - Assignment Next level checked. Original Cost Costed, Distributed Costing for Persons
Person - Payroll Relationship Next level checked. Original Cost Costed, Distributed Costing for Persons
Position - Assignment Next level checked. Original Cost Costed, Distributed Costing of Positions
Location - Assignment Next level checked. Original Cost Costed, Distributed Costing of Locations
Job - Assignment Next level checked. Original Cost Costed, Distributed Costing of Jobs
Department - Assignment Next level checked. Original Cost, Default, Suspense Costed, Distributed Costing of Departments
Element Eligibility Next level checked. Original Cost, Offset, Priority Fixed Costed, Costed, Distributed Costing of Elements

You can use this table to understand how costing details for retroactive pay elements with distributed costing distributed over retro element entries and with at least one segment populated in distributed element eligibility level process in the payroll run:

Costing details for elements with distributed costing distributed over retro element entries and with at least one segment populated in distributed element eligibility level processed in the payroll run

Hierarchy Level Sequence for Checking Details Payroll Period Checked Accounts Checked Costing Types Costing Setup Page
Retroactive Pay Element Entry First level checked for costing details when building each account segment for retroactive pay elements only. If costing details aren't found for that segment, the application proceeds to the next level. Current Cost Distributed Element Entries
Retro Distributed Element Eligibility Next level checked for retroactive pay elements with distributed costing only. If costing details aren't found for that segment, the application proceeds to the Element Entry level of the original payroll period. Current Cost Distributed Costing of Elements
Element Entry Next level checked. Original Cost Distributed Element Entries
Person Element - Assignment Next level checked. Original Cost Distributed Costing of Persons
Person Element - Payroll Relationship Next level checked. Original Cost Distributed Costing of Persons
Person - Assignment Next level checked. Original Cost Distributed Costing of Persons
Person - Payroll Relationship Next level checked. Original Cost Distributed Costing of Persons
Position - Assignment Next level checked. Original Cost Distributed Costing of Positions
Job - Assignment Next level checked. Original Cost Distributed Costing of Jobs
Location - Assignment Next level checked. Original Cost Distributed Costing of locations
Department - Assignment Next level checked. Original Cost, Default, Suspense Distributed Costing of Departments
Distributed Element Eligibility Next level checked. Original Cost, Offset, Priority Distributed Costing of Elements
Payroll Last level checked for costing information. If the resulting account combination is invalid, the result is placed in a Suspense account, or if unallocated the result is placed in a Default account. Original Cost, Default, Suspense Distributed Costing of Payrolls