How You Manage Different Types of Help

You can edit the help content that comes with the application. You can also add your own help to help windows, for example to provide company policies. Let's look at the different types of help that you can manage.

Help Type

How You See This Help

How You Edit or Add to It

Fields and other UI elements

Help text appears when you hover over or click certain UI elements on the page.

You can edit this text using the User Interface Text tool, or add your own help text to buttons using Page Composer.

Help windows

Many pages have help icons. Click these icons to open help windows that contain help text, links, or both.

You can use the User Interface Text tool to edit the help text. You can add or remove links by clicking the Manage Help Content link in the help window. But you can't create new help windows to put on the page.

In some cases, the same help window appears on more than one page. So whatever you do to the help window on one page applies to the same help window in other places.

Getting Started work area

Select Getting Started from the Navigator to open this work area and review the videos and other information for new users.

You can edit or add to this content by clicking the Edit Getting Started link on these pages.

What Else You Can Do

Here's what you can do with all the help that you or other people added to help windows and the Getting Started work area:

  • If you add a lot of links in help windows, you might want to manage your help in a central place. You can use the Manage Help Content task in the Setup and Maintenance work area to view and edit all of the help that anyone added.

  • If you create help in a test environment, you can migrate all added help by exporting and then importing a configuration package.