Sales Order Hold

Order Management uses a sales order hold to temporarily stop an orchestration process from processing an order line or fulfillment line. You can use a hold to manage order fulfillment.

You might need to place a hold for a variety of reasons.

  • You submitted a sales order and Order Management scheduled it for delivery. Later that day, the customer who placed the sales order realizes they can't receive it because they will be out of the country for three weeks. The customer calls and requests to delay delivery.

  • Personnel at the warehouse ask you to temporarily hold the shipment because a fire happened in the warehouse.

  • Your order administrator informs you that a problem might exist with an item, and requests that you temporarily hold all your sales orders that include the item while your sales engineers investigate the problem.

A hold stops the orchestration process from doing the next task in the process. Here's how holds work.



Automatically apply hold

  • Order Management automatically applies a hold if a change in the Order Management work area requires Order Management to compensate the orchestration process. Order Management sends a message to the fulfillment system to apply a hold so fulfillment stops while Order Management compensates the orchestration process.

  • Order Management automatically releases the hold after it finishes compensation.

  • An orchestration process can automatically apply a hold only when a hold request already exists in Order Management, in the source system, or in the fulfillment system.

    For example, assume an orchestration process is at the scheduling step when a source system sends a request to hold the shipping task. Order Management stores the request until the orchestration process reaches the shipping step. It then searches for existing requests, and then applies them.

Propagate hold

  • Order Management transforms a hold that it receives from a source system or a fulfillment system. The hold becomes part of the sales order.

  • If a source order includes a hold, then Order Management includes it on the fulfillment lines that it maps to the sales order.

  • If a fulfillment line includes a hold, and if Order Management splits the fulfillment line, then it includes the hold on each new fulfillment line that it creates to do the split.

  • If Order Management applies or releases a hold to one or more lines in a shipment set, then it applies the hold on the entire shipment set.

    Assume a shipment set includes lines 1, 2, and 3. If you apply a hold on line 1, then Order Management applies the same hold on lines 2 and 3.

Display and process active hold

  • An active hold is a current hold on an orchestration process.

  • The Hold Source System attribute displays the location of where the hold was applied.

  • If a fulfillment line includes a hold, and if the orchestration process that the fulfillment line references hasn't reached the step that includes the hold, then Order Management might continue to run the process until it reaches the step that includes the hold.

  • If a fulfillment line includes a hold that Order Management hasn't released, then Order Management displays it as an active hold even if the line doesn't include an active hold.

Release hold

  • You or an orchestration process can release a hold that you apply in the Order Management work area only in the Order Management work area.

  • Only the user of a source system can release a hold that another user of the source system applies.

  • If you cancel an orchestration process, then Order Management releases any holds that reference the process.

    If you don't cancel an orchestration process, then you must manually release each hold and provide a release reason.


  • You can apply a hold at any step of an orchestration process. For example, if you apply a hold on the invoicing step immediately after you submit the sales order, then the orchestration process will do all of its steps right up to the invoicing step, and then stop on the invoicing step.

  • You can apply more than one hold on a sales order. For example, you can apply a hold on shipping task and another one on the invoicing task. The orchestration process will stop on the shipping task, wait there until someone releases the hold on the shipping task, proceed to the invoicing task, and wait there until someone releases the hold on the invoicing task. This approach is useful when you have more than one dependency that you must resolve before finishing the sales order.

  • The Order Management work area displays a small blue icon at the top of the sales order next to the order total when the sales order or an order line is on hold. It also displays this icon on each order line that's on hold.

  • You can add a comment when you apply a hold. Use it tracking or auditing purposes. For example, you might enter details about why you applied the hold and the dependencies you must resolve before you can release the hold.

  • Order Management might automatically apply a credit check hold. You can't manually apply a credit check hold. If you have sufficient privileges, you can release a credit check hold. For details, see Manage Credit Check.

Configured Items

You can apply a hold on an item that isn't configured, a configured item, a pick-to-order item, a kit, or an item that includes a combination of these characteristics.

Assume the AS54888 is a configured item and you add it to order line 1. You configure the AS54888 so it includes the 1 TB hard drive configure option and another option, the Dance Revolution software suite, which is also an item that you sell by itself.

  • If you apply a hold on order line 1, then Order Management also applies the hold on the hard drive and the software suite for order line 1.

  • You can apply a hold only on the entire order line for the configured item, the AS54888.

  • You can't apply a hold on the hard drive or the Dance Revolution software suite on order line 1, but if add only the Dance Revolution item to order line 2, then you can place a hold on line 2.