Archive and Move Analytics

You can archive your analytic objects and move them to a new location. You can bundle the whole catalog, specific folders, or multi-component objects as a .catalog file and upload the file to unarchive its data in another location.

Note: It's important to note that folders that contain seeded content should not be changed. Moving or adding a child folder to a seeded folder results in analytics not being visible in dashboards or infolets.

Create an Archive

  1. Locate the object in the catalog.

  2. Select More and then select Archive.

  3. In the Archive dialog box, select one or more of the following options:

    • Keep Permissions: Maintain the object or folder's existing permissions. If you don't select this, the archiving process doesn't include any permissions. Once unarchiving, the parent folder's permissions are assigned to all of the objects and folders.

    • Keep Time stamps: Maintain the Creation Time, Last Modified, and Last Accessed times assigned to the object or folder. Upon unarchiving, the Last Modified time is updated to indicate the time when the object or folder is unarchived. If you select this option, the Old option in the Paste Overview area of the Preferences dialog box is available when unarchiving. Use the Old option to overwrite existing catalog items older than the items in the archive.

      If you don't select this option, then the archiving process doesn't include time information and the Old option in the Paste Overview area of the Preferences dialog box isn't available.

  4. Click OK to download the archive file.

Move an Archived Object to a New Location

  1. Select the folder in the catalog where you want to upload the archived file.

  2. In the Tasks pane click Unarchive.

  3. In the Unarchive dialog box, browse for and select the archive file.

  4. Use the Replace option to specify whether to replace an existing folder or object with the same name.

    • All: Replace any existing folders or objects with the same names as folders or objects included in the archive file that you're uploading.

    • Old: Replace folders or objects except those folders or objects that exist, unless they're older than the source.

    • None: Add any new folders or objects, but preserve any existing folders or objects.

    • Force: Add and replace all folders or objects.

  5. Use the Access Control Lists option to specify how the folders or objects are assigned permissions using Access Control Lists Access when unarchived.

    • Inherit: Inherits the folder or object's permissions from its new parent folder.

    • Preserve: Preserves the folder or object's permissions as it was in the original, mapping accounts as necessary.

    • Create: Preserves the folder or object's permissions as it was in the original, creating and mapping accounts as necessary.

  6. Click OK.