Manage Fiscal Documents

On receiving a fiscal document issued by a supplier, a user with Capture Fiscal Document (CMF_ENTER_FISCAL_DOCUMENT) privilege can manually capture the fiscal document details.


Prerequisites for capturing information in a fiscal document are as follows:

  • Fiscal flows are defined.

  • Tolerances are defined.

  • Tax setup for basic tax calculation is created (for example, ISS, IPI, and so on.)

  • Tax setup for special inclusive tax calculation is created (for example, ICMS, PIS, COFINS, and so on.)

  • Suppliers are created and purchase orders are entered against these suppliers.

  • General and fiscal attributes seed data are set up.

To manually include fiscal document information:

  1. In the Fiscal Document Capture work area, in the Fiscal Document tasks panel drawer, select Manage Inbound Fiscal Documents.

  2. On the Fiscal Document Capture page, click the Add icon.

    Provide information as applicable in each infotile.

  3. In the Header infotile, provide the required information.

    Based on the fiscal document information you are recording, select a fiscal flow.

    Standard Flows:

    • Standard - Select this option for creating fiscal documents involving goods or services that may not match purchase orders and may contain transactions that may not involve payments.

    • Standard Complementary - Select this option for creating complementary fiscal documents for standard fiscal documents involving goods or services that may not match purchase orders and may contain transactions that may not involve payments.

    • Bookkeeping - Select this option for creating fiscal documents involving fiscal flows that do not match purchase orders or shipments and the fiscal documents are captured only for fiscal reporting purposes.

    Drop Shipment Flows:

    • Drop Shipment Remittance - Select this option for creating fiscal documents involving drop shipment remittances that match fiscal documents.

    • Drop Shipment Sales - Select this option for creating fiscal documents involving drop shipment sales, where the fiscal document includes goods or services that match purchase orders and contains transactions that may involve payments.

    • Drop Shipment Sales Complementary - Select this option for creating complementary fiscal documents for fiscal documents involving drop shipment sales, where the fiscal document includes goods or services that match purchase orders and contains transactions that may involve payments.

      You can create a complementary fiscal document for recording additional changes to an existing fiscal document.

    Freight Acquisition Flows:

    • Freight Acquisition - Select this option for creating fiscal documents involving freight services that are issued by a service provider.

    • Freight Acquisition Complementary - Select this option for creating complementary fiscal documents for fiscal documents involving freight services.

      You can create a complementary fiscal document for recording additional changes to an existing fiscal document.

    Internal Transfer Flow:

    • Internal Transfer - You can capture internal transfer information in fiscal documents.

    Import Goods Flow:

    • Import Material by Internal Transfer - You can import goods from the overseas branch organization to your organization within Brazil for self use or to be delivered to your customer organization.

    Goods Return Flows - Return Material Authorization:

    • Material Returned by Seller - Create fiscal documents involving return of goods from sellers.

    • Material Returned by Customer - Create fiscal documents involving return of goods from customers.

  4. Based on the requirement select an infotile and provide information, once the required information is recorded, click Save and Close.