Receiving Parameters for Brazil Organizations

We use fiscal documents for Brazil inventory organizations to document trade between suppliers and customers. The fiscal document serves as a bill of lading to detail the quantity of items transported from the supplier to the customer.

The fiscal document also serves as a proxy invoice from the supplier that documents the material costs, supplier charges, and taxes payable by the customer.

To support the fiscal document, Brazil organizations have several receiving parameters set by default. This table shows the receiving parameters that are set by default.



Receipt Routing

Automatically set to Standard receipt. You can update this option at receipt time to Inspection Required or Direct Delivery if the Allow Receipt Routing user profile is enabled.

In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the following to enable this option:

  • Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management

  • Functional Area: Receiving

  • Task: Manage Receiving Parameters

Allow unordered receipts

Not selected. You cannot change this option.

Print shipping documents for returns to suppliers

Automatically selected. You cannot change this option.

Receiving determines whether or not an organization is a Brazil organization by checking if the Fiscal Document Generation feature is enabled for a billing business unit. If the Fiscal Document Generation feature is enabled for an organization, it's implied that the organization is a Brazil inventory organization.

For more information about Brazil fiscal documents, see the Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM: Using Fiscal Document Capture guide.