Options to Change Project and Task Organizations

A project manager or the project administrator who is the project creator, with access to the relevant business and project units, can change a project and task organization.

You can make the changes in the following ways:

  • When no billing events exist, use the organization field on the Manage Financial Project Settings page.

  • If billing events exist, create a batch for the projects and tasks on the Manage Project and Task Organizations page.

Without Transactions

Change a project organization from the Basic Information section of the General tab on the Manage Financial Project Settings page only when the project has no billing events. Change the organization for individual tasks from the Manage Financial Project Plan page.


Following is an example when you can change the project and task organization, when there are no billing events, using the Manage Financial Project Settings page.




Project administrator

  • Project administrator for Business Unit 1

  • Creates Project P1 in Organization 1 within Business Unit 1 and Project Unit 1

  • Can change organization for Project P1 being a project creator.

Project manager

Project manager for Project P1

  • Manages Project P1

  • Can change organization for Project P1 being a project manager.

Project administrator

Project administrator for Organization 1

  • Can view details for Project P1

  • Can't change organization for P1, even being an administrator, as not the project creator.

Any other role

Any access

Can't change the organization for Project P1.

With Transactions

Create and submit a batch for the projects and tasks from the Manage Project and Task Organizations page. If you also want to recalculate the unprocessed transactions then you must enable the Mark expenditure items for recalculation option. The application runs the Change Project and Task Organizations process to change the organization. You can also schedule the Change Project and Task Organizations process to run later.