Options to Define Compensatory Plans

Configure the following rules when you create a compensatory plan in accordance with the leave policy of your enterprise:

  • Earned time expiration

  • Plan eligibility

  • Enrollment and termination

  • Vesting period

  • Plan limits

  • Manual Adjustments

Earned Time Expiration

Define whether compensatory time earned is subject to expiration. If yes, define the expiration limit and time frame, and how you want to process the expired earned time. You can choose whether to expire the full amount or whether it should be disbursed for payment. The application consumes compensatory time based on the expiration date. This means that the absence consumes the hours of the compensatory plan that expires first.

Plan Eligibility

Associate an eligibility profile with the compensatory plan to determine the set of workers who can enroll in that plan.

Enrollment and Termination

Decide when to enroll workers in the compensatory plan and choose when to disenroll a terminated worker from the plan. Administrators and managers can control the date when balances expire based on your configuration. You can determine who can control these dates in the Expiration Date Updates section of the Entries and Balances tab.

Vesting Period

Define a vesting period for the plan if you want workers to use it after a specific amount of time after plan enrollment.

Plan Limits

Determine the maximum compensatory time that a worker can accumulate into the plan. Additionally, select if a negative balance is allowed for the plan.

Manual Adjustments

Administrators and managers can manually adjust the compensatory time balance for workers. You can determine who can make these adjustments in the Manual Adjustments section of the Entries and Balances tab.