Expedited Processing Rules

Expedited processing includes prior period adjustments to time, absence, and mandatory elements like taxes and percentage-based deductions. By default, the expedited run includes all the element entries for those employees who have an expedited time card.

Use Expedited Processing Rules option to exclude certain elements such as salary or flat amount based deductions from expedited payroll run. To review and create new payroll elements, use the Elements task in My Client Groups.

Expedited Processing Rule Option

Use To

Based on the element entry value

Initiate expedited processing depending on other parameters on the time card. This option applies only to time card and absence elements having the three input values and value definitions for expedited processing and is set automatically during element creation. The application processes elements with this rule based on the element entry value for 'Expedite'.

Do not include in expedited payroll runs

Exclude elements like salary and flat amount-based deductions that are processed only once per pay period from expedited payroll runs. Set this option to include these elements only in the nonexpedited payroll run.

Include in both expedited and nonexpedited payroll runs

Include elements like taxes and percentage-based deductions in the expedited payroll runs. If you leave the Expedite Processing Rule blank, this option acts as the default behavior.