Options to Define Donation Plans

Create a donation plan for workers who need additional time off over and above their entitlement using the Absence Plans task in the Absences work area.

Donation Rules

Configure the following rules when you create a donation plan in accordance with the leave policy of your enterprise:



Unit of measure

Specify the unit of measure for the donation plan. The unit of measure can be only Hours or Days. An accrual plan shows donors only donation plans with the same unit of measure as their accrual plans.

Enroll workers in only one donation plan of a specific unit of measure so that when a donor initiates a donation from their accrual plan, the balance transfers to the correct donation plan. For example, if a donor initiates a donation from a vacation accrual plan measured in days, the donation process looks for a donation plan measured in days. When it finds the corresponding donation plan, it transfers the donated time to the worker's donation plan.

If you know that coworkers can donate from multiple plans with different units of measure, then enroll the worker into two donation plans, one measured in Hours, the other in Days.

Plan limits

Determine the maximum donated time that a worker can accumulate in the plan. Additionally, specify whether the plan allows a negative balance.


Specify how to disburse or recover donation plan balances when the worker is terminated.

Balance updates

Specify which types of donation balance adjustments must be available to HR specialists.


Specify whether workers are eligible for cash disbursement requests from the donation plan. Decide who can initiate the disbursement. Additionally, define disbursement rules and the number of hours that can be disbursed.