Multilanguage Support for Payslips

The Generate Payslips process is run once each payroll period and it generates the payslip XMLs based on the payroll archive and prepayments data. The application creates the payslip PDFs and stores them in the Document of Records for future reference and retrieval.

Print Payslip PDFs

Some workers may opt for a printed payslip and you must provide individual PDF payslips to them.

The application supports producing all printed payslips in a single file for ease of printing. However, for the payslip labels to be translated, each payslip must have its own individual PDF output file. To enable single PDFs, add the Bursting configuration onto the Print Delivery option within the Payslip extract definition.

For more details on how to add the Bursting option, refer to Adding Bursting to Print Delivery Option: Procedure on the Help Center.

Translate the Payslip

You can now generate individual payslips in the worker's correspondence language of choice. Run the Generate Payslips process just once and generate the payslips for the various workers in a language of their choice depending on what's set as the worker's correspondence language.

The process translates:

  • The metadata, the layout labels, and the static text on the payslip template.

  • The underlying data that comes from the transactional and setup tables, and the data that the Payroll Archive process archives for the payslip.

Set the process configuration parameter, Enable Payslip Translation, to Y, before running the Payroll Archive process. You must set this only once. If you have run the Payroll Archive before setting this parameter, you must roll back the process, set the Enable Payslip Translation parameter to Y, and rerun the Payroll Archive process.

Install the Correspondence Language

Although the worker's correspondence language may be set to one of several languages, only those languages that are installed are supported for translation. To determine the number of languages you must install, consider how diverse the worker population is in terms of their preferred correspondence language.

If the correspondence language isn't one of the installed languages, the Payslip is produced in the base language.

To enable translation of the payslip labels, set the Locale property of both Document of Records and Print Delivery options within the Payslip Extract Definition to Correspondence Language. If you don't want the payslip labels to be translated, leave the Locale property blank or set it to the base language, for example, en-us, for US English.

For the payslip data that's not delivered by Oracle, the translated values of the data must be available in the application. Enter translated values for the base language and each of the installed languages that needs payslip translation support. For example, if you have created additional element names and its associated balances, you must also enter their translated values in the application. Otherwise, the translated values aren't reflected in the payslip PDFs.