Guidelines for Loading Time and Labor Event Groups

An event group is a group of related events, such as changes to a worker's assignment, that require a retroactive recalculation of time cards. This topic explains some aspects of event groups that you must understand to load them successfully using HCM Data Loader.

Loading Event Groups

These rules apply to the Event Group component:

  • You can set EventGroupCode and EventGroupName to any user-defined value that identifies the purpose of the group.

  • To resubmit time cards, you must set EventGroupType to A (Action).

These rules apply to the Date Tracked Event, Event Value Change, and Event Value Qualifier components:

  • If you set UpdateType to DT_INSERT, then leave ColumnName blank.

  • EventGroupCode identifies the group to which the component belongs.

These rules apply to the Event Value Change Component:

  • Sequence specifies the sequence in which qualifying conditions are loaded. The sequence is important, as conditions can exist in a hierarchical relationship to each other. The sequence number also provides a way for other nodes in the condition hierarchy to refer to a condition.

  • ValidEvent must be Y or N. It specifies whether the condition qualifies or disqualifies the event. For example, your qualifying condition may specify that an event is valid for any location change, except when moving from New York to San Francisco. In this case, you define two rows as shown in this table:


    From Value

    To Value

    Valid Event






    New York

    San Francisco


  • FromValue and ToValue can be any valid value for the column or <ANY VALUE> to indicate that any value can trigger resubmission of time cards.

  • ParentEvtValChangeSequence is the sequence number of the parent Event Value Change component in the condition hierarchy.

These rules apply to the Event Value Qualifier component:

  • Sequence is the sequence of the topmost Event Value Change component in the value change hierarchy for given Date Tracked Event and Event Value Qualifier components.

  • QualifierName is the qualifier name, which is predefined in the PAY_EVENT_QUALIFIERS_F table.

  • QualifierValue must be Y or N. If you set this value to Y, then updates to the worker's primary assignment trigger the event. If you set this value to N, then updates to the worker's secondary assignments trigger this event.