Examples of Loading Questions

This topic provides an example showing how to load a multiple-choice question with 3 answer choices for the subscriber, Recruiting. Before creating a question, be sure that the category it's assigned to exists.

You can create the category as a subfolder of the Question Library for the subscriber by using the Question Library task in Setup and Maintenance work area, Workforce Development offering.


This example Question.dat file shows how to load a multiple-choice question with 3 answer choices for the Recruiting subscriber using the user keys.

MERGE|Question|FEEDBACK_1|1|Are you satisfied with the training?|Recruiting|A|MULTCHOICE|N|Check Multiple Choices|Feedback
MERGE|Answer|FEEDBACK_1|FEEDBACK_1ANS11|1|Yes, I'm satisfied.|5|151|Recruiting
MERGE|Answer|FEEDBACK_1|FEEDBACK_1ANS21|1|No, I'm not satisfied.|3|151|Recruiting
MERGE|Answer|FEEDBACK_1|FEEDBACK_1ANS31|1|I have no opinion on this.|2|151|Recruiting