Create and Edit Added Help

To create or edit help content, usually you start in the help window you want to work on. But you can also use the Manage Help Content page, where you have access to all the help that's already added.

On the Manage Help Content page, you can find sets of added content, such as all the help in a selected language or all the help last updated by a particular colleague. Other than editing this help, you can create help by duplicating and editing the added help, or just creating new help from scratch. After you create help, you can make it available to users in help windows or elsewhere, for example as links on web pages.

Create, Edit, or Duplicate Help

Here's what you do:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Help Content task in the Application Extensions functional area.

  2. On the Manage Help Content page, click Create. Or, search for your help, select it in the search results, and click Edit or Duplicate.

  3. Select a help type if you're creating brand new help:

    • Text: Use a rich text or HTML editor to enter your help content. You can include images, videos, and links.

    • File: Upload a file of any type. Your file opens when users click the link in the help window.

    • URL: Enter the full URL to a website or a file of any type, for example a YouTube video.

  4. Select a help security group if you need to restrict access to your help content. Only users with roles in the security group will be able to see the help. The predefined Secured group includes all internal employees and contingent workers.

  5. Set the status as Active if you want people to see your help in any help window you add it to. Or, you can inactivate your help so that it doesn't appear until you activate it later.

  6. Enter the title, which is the text of the link in help windows.

  7. If your help type is File, enter a description that users might see after they click the link to open your file, depending on their browser setting.

  8. Select another language if your content isn't in American English. In help windows, users see added help in the language they're using for the application.

  9. Select a country if your help is targeted at a specific country. Based on what users set in the Territory field for their regional preferences, they see generic added help plus added help tagged for their country. There's no impact on predefined help.

  10. If your help type is Text, enter your content in the text editor. Or you can click the Source Code Editing Mode icon to switch to an HTML editor.

  11. Save your work.

Make Help Available

After you create help, you should put it on at least one help window so that people can find it where they need it most. To do that, you can go to the help window and add the new topic. Or you can search for the page or section on the Manage Help Content page then select and add your new help.

Help that you create using the Text or File type has a unique URL. From the Manage Help Content page, you can open your help and copy the URL from the browser. So, other than linking to it from help windows, you can also link to it from other help or web pages. Updates to the application won't affect the URL or your help content.