Delete Records That Contain Data About Actions

Delete records that contain data about actions that Order Management users have done while managing sales orders. Deleting these records can improve performance.

Order Management creates a request and saves it in the DOO_ACTION_REQUESTS table each time one of your users does an action on a fulfillment line in the Order Management work area, such as override a scheduled ship date, unreserve, and so on. Requests accumulate over time, they can potentially result in tens of thousands of rows in the table, and that can have a negative impact on performance.

You can use the Purge Recent User Requests scheduled process to delete data for these actions.

  • Apply Hold

  • Release Hold

  • Recover Order

You can also use it to delete data for these actions in a fulfillment view.

  • Edit

  • Split

  • Schedule

  • Unschedule

  • Reserve

  • Unreserve

This scheduled process:

  • Deletes each request that's in the Complete status. If the request is in Processing status, and if the action code of the request is Recover Task or Recover Process, then the scheduled process also deletes these requests.

    Deletes data about these actions from the DOO_ACTION_REQUEST table and the DOO_ACTION_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTES table in the Oracle database.

  • Doesn't delete sales order data.

  • Only deletes data about actions that Order Management has finished. It doesn't delete data about actions that Order Management is still processing.

We strongly recommend that you periodically run the scheduled process.

Try it.

  1. Go to the Scheduled Processes work area.

  2. On the Scheduled Process page, click Actions > Schedule New Process.

  3. In the Schedule New Process dialog, click the down arrow, click Search, then search for the value.




    Purge Recent User Requests

  4. Click the line in the search results, then click OK > OK.

  5. In the Process Details dialog, set the values.



    Number of Days of User Request Data to Keep

    Enter a numeric value.

    For example, if the current system date is January 6, 2021, and if you set this parameter to 5, then the scheduled process deletes data for user actions that finished before January 2, 2021.

    In general, five days of data is typically a sufficient amount of data to keep, but you can adjust the value depending on your business needs.

    Specify the number of days that the scheduled process should not consider, starting with the current date.

    For example, if today is March 15, and if you set this parameter to 5, then the scheduled process won't delete any requests that Order Management created from March 15 to March 11.

    You must specify a positive number.

    In general, we recommend that you set this parameter to 30. This provides you one full month's worth of historic data that might be useful for troubleshooting purposes.

    For important details, see Guidelines for Using Scheduled Processes in Order Management.

  6. Click Advanced > Using a Schedule, then set the values.






    1 Day

    Start Date

    Select today's date

    End Date

    Select a date several years in the future.

    We recommend that you schedule this process to run one time each day.

  7. Click Notification, then select someone who can monitor the results, such as an order administrator.

  8. Click Submit.