Deep Links for SCM

You can use deep links to open pages without navigating through the menu structure. When you add deep links to a business intelligence report or a company website, users can simply click those links to go directly to the application pages they need to.

SCM Deep Links

This table lists the deep links you can add to SCM application pages.


Deep Link (Object Type, Action)


Object Key Parameter Names

Object Key Locations

Rules, if any

Channel Revenue Management

Manage Customer Claims (CUSTOMER_CLAIM,NONE)

Opens the Manage Claims page to review customer claims.




Channel Revenue Management


Opens a specific customer claim on the Claim details page.

ClaimId: Unique identifier for the channel claim.

ClaimNumber: Unique identifier for the channel claim that is available in the UI.

ClaimId and ClaimNumber are available from Channel Claims REST.

ClaimNumber is available in the Manage Claims UI and Claim detail UI in Supplier Channel Management.

Query CLAIM_ID, CLAIM_NUMBER columns from CJM_CLAIMS_ALL table.


Collaboration Messaging Framework


Opens a specific message on the View Details page.


Message ID column in Manage Collaboration Messaging History page in Collaboration Messaging Work Area or MessageGUID in the b2bMessageTransactions REST Service.




Opens a specific configurator workspace on the Edit Workspace page.

workspaceId: Unique identifies of the workspace.

Name: Unique name of the workspace.

Retrieve the workspace name value from the Name column on the Manage Workspaces page in the Configurator Models work area.

WorkspaceId retrieved from the configurator Workspaces REST API that uniquely identifies a configurator workspace.

If both the workspaceId and name parameters are passed, workspaceId is used.



Opens the Configurator Overview page.

Not needed





Opens the Configurator Overview page.

Not needed





Opens a specific fiscal document on the Inbound Fiscal Documents details page.

pDocHeaderId: Unique identifier of the fiscal document header.

pAccessKeyNum: Indicates the access key number generated by issuer for each electronic fiscal document.

  • REST

  • OTBI



You should pass any one of the two parameters. If both the parameters are passed, the deep link would be displayed using pDocHeaderId.


Review Work Order Costs (WORK_ORDER_COST, VIEW)

Opens a specific work order on the Review Work Order Costs page.

pCostOrgId: Unique identifier of the cost organization.

pCostBookId: Unique identifier of the cost book.

pCostBook: Code associated with the cost book.

pCstWorkOrderId: Unique identifier of the work order in costing.

pWorkMethodCode: Code indicating the work method.

pWorkOrderNumber: User-facing identifier of the work order.

pOrgCode: Code indicating the manufacturing organization.

pWorkOrderId: Unique identifier of the work order in manufacturing.

  • SOAP services. .









Mandatory parameters for deep links:

  • pWorkOrderId or

  • pCstWorkOrderId or

  • pWorkOrderNumber and pOrgCode

Optional parameters:

  • pCostOrgId: If not passed, then this is derived internally using manufacturing organization linked to the work order.

  • pCostBookId/pCostBook: If none among these two are passed, then pCostBookId is set internally to primary cost book of the cost organization.

  • pWorkMethodCode: If not passed, then this is derived internally using the work order details.


Review Item Costs (ITEM_COSTS,VIEW)

Opens a specific item cost on the Review Item Costs page.

pCostOrgId: Unique identifier of the cost organization.

pCostBookId: Unique identifier of the cost book.

pCostBook: Code associated with the cost book.

pInventoryItemId: The unique identifier of the inventory item.

pValUnitId: Unique identifier of the valuation unit.

pAsOfDate: The point in time of the item cost. Supported format is yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.

SOAP Services.





Mandatory parameters for deep link:

  • pInventoryItemId

  • pValUnitId

Optional parameters:

  • pCostOrgId: If not passed, then this is derived internally using pValUnitId.

  • pCostBookId/pCostBook: If none among these two are passed, then pCostBookId is derived internally using pValUnitId.

  • pAsOfDate: If not passed, then current date time or if you have enabled LE time zone, current legal entity date time will be used.


Review Cost Accounting Distributions (COST_ACCOUNTING_DISTRIBUTIONS, VIEW)

Opens a specific cost accounting distributions on the Review Cost Accounting Distributions page.

pTransactionId: Unique identifier of the transaction in costing.

pDistributionId: Unique identifier of the cost distribution header.

pEventId: Unique identifier of the SLA event generated for a distribution.

pSourceTransactionId: Unique identifier of the transaction in source system (inventory transactions only).

pTxnSourceType: Source transaction type (inventory transactions only).

Transaction Identification column on Review Cost Accounting Distributions Page.




You should pass either pTransactionId or pDistributionId or pEventId or pSourceTransactionId.

pTxnSourceType (inventory) is optional to pass when pSourceTransactionId is passed. Order of precedence if multiple parameters are passed is pTransactionId or pDistributionId or pEventId or pSourceTransactionId.


Receipt Accounting Distributions (RECEIPT_ACCTG_DISTRIBUTIONS,VIEW)

Opens a specific receipt accounting distribution on the Review Receipt Accounting Distributions page.

pAccountingEventId: Unique identifier for the accounting event

pEventId: Unique identifier for the CMR event



You should pass any one of the two parameters. If both the parameters are passed, the deep link will be displayed using pAccountingEventId.


Review Completed Transactions

Opens a specific transaction on the Review Completed transactions page.

OrganizationCode: Unique identifier for the inventory organization

ItemNumber: Unique identifier for the item name

TransactionID: Unique identifier for the inventory completed transaction

Organization column on the search results of review completed transactions page.

Item Number column on the search results of review completed transactions page.

Transaction ID column in the search results.

When OrganizationCode and ItemNumber are passed, all the completed transactions are fetched for the combination of organization and item parameter value and using the transaction date as the current date. The results are displayed in the search results table.

When TransactionId is passed, the Transaction Details page is displayed to show all the attributes for this transaction.


Manage Pending Transactions

Opens a specific transaction on the Manage Pending Transactions page.

OrganizationCode: Unique identifier for the inventory organization

TransactionID: Unique identifier for the inventory completed transaction

Organization column on the View Pending Transactions page.

Transaction ID column in the search results.

When OrganizationCode is passed, all pending transactions with the processing status as Error for that organization are fetched. The results are displayed in the search results table.

When TransactionId is passed, the Transaction Details page is displayed to show all the attributes for this transaction.


SSP Manage Receipts

Opens a specific receipt on the Self Service Manage Receipts page.

ReceiptNumber: Unique identifier for the receipt

Receipt column on the search results of the self service Manage Receipts page.



View Receipts

Opens a specific receipt on the View Receipts page.

ReceiptNumber: Unique identifier for the receipt

ShipmentHeaderId: Unique identifier for the shipment

Receipt column on the search results on the Manage All Lines page.

ShipmentHeaderId attribute on the output response of receivingTransactionsHistory REST. Also, the attribute Receipt Header ID on Receiving - Receipts Real Time OTBI report.



Manage Lots

Opens a specific lot on the Manage Lots page

LotNumber: Uniquely identifier for the lot

OrganizationCode: Unique identifier for the inventory organization

OrganizationID: Unique identifier for the organization

ItemNumber: Unique identifier for the item name

InventoryItemId: Unique identifier for the inventory item

Object Keys can be found using the Inventory Item Lots REST.

LotNumber must be provided.


Manage Serial Numbers

Opens a specific serial number on the Manage Serial Numbers page.

SerialNumber: Unique identifier for the inventory item

OrganizationCode: Unique identifier for the inventory organization

OrganizationID: Unique identifier for the organization

InventoryItemId: Unique identifier for the inventory item

Object keys can be found using the Inventory Item Serial Numbers REST.

SerialNumber must be provided.


Create ASN

Queries purchase order schedules eligible for creating ASN on the Create ASN page.

PurchaseOrder: Unique identifier for the purchase order, which is a commercial document that you can use to send a request to a seller to supply a product or a service in return for payment.

POHeaderId: Unique identifier for the purchase order header.

OrganizationCode: Unique identifier for the inventory organization

OrganizationID: Unique identifier for the organization

Purchase Order column on the search results table of the Create ASN page.

Other object keys can be found using the Purchase Orders for Receiving REST resource.

This deep link will work only for warehouse receiving users and will not work for supplier portal users.


Manage Movement Requests

Opens a specific movement request on the Manage Movement Request page.

MovementRequestNumber: Unique identifier for the movement request.

MovementRequestHeaderId: Unique identifier for the movement request header.

OrganizationCode: Unique identifier for the inventory organization

OrganizationID: Unique identifier for the organization

MovementRequestNumber is the value in the Movement Request field of the search results on the page Manage Movement Requests.

Other fields can be seen using the Inventory Movement Requests REST resource.



Create ASBMN

Queries purchase order schedules eligible for creating ASBN using organization code and purchase order on the Create ASBN page.

PurchaseOrder: Unique identifier for the purchase order, which is a commercial document that you can use to send a request to a seller to supply a product or a service in return for payment.

POHeaderId: Unique identifier for the purchase order header.

OrganizationCode: Unique identifier for the inventory organization

OrganizationID: Unique identifier for the organization

Purchase Order column on the search results table of the Create ASBN page.

Other object keys can be found using Purchase Orders for Receiving REST resource.

This deep link will work only for warehouse receiving users and will not work for supplier portal users.


Manage Inbound Shipments - Shipment

Opens a specific inbound shipment using the shipment and organization code on the Manage Inbound Shipments page.

OrganizationCode: Unique identifier for the inventory organization

OrganizationID: Unique identifier for the organization

Shipment column on the search results table of the Manage Inbound Shipments page.

Other object keys can be seen from Inbound Shipments REST resource.

Brazil related organizations are not supported for this deep link.


Manage Inbound Shipments - Purchase Order

Opens a specific inbound shipment using the purchase order and organization code on the Manage Inbound Shipments page.

PurchaseOrder: Unique identifier for the purchase order, which is a commercial document that you can use to send a request to a seller to supply a product or a service in return for payment.

OrganizationCode: Unique identifier for the inventory organization

OrganizationID: Unique identifier for the organization

Purchase Order list of values on the Manage Inbound Shipments page or from the search results column of the Edit Shipment page.

Other object keys can be seen from Inbound Shipments REST resource.

Brazil related organizations are not supported for this deep link.


Receive Expected Shipments - Purchase Order

Queries expected shipment lines that can be received using Purchase Order and its related header ID on the Receive Expected Shipments page.

PurchaseOrder: Unique identifier for the purchase order, which is a commercial document that you can use to send a request to a seller to supply a product or a service in return for payment.

POHeaderId: Unique identifier for the purchase order header.

Document number corresponding to the document type as purchase order in the search results of the Receive Expected Shipments page.

Document number corresponding to the document type as purchase order in the search results of the Receive Expected Shipments page.

With All organization context, the deep link will display data for organizations related to Brazil but you will not be able to receive the lines. The purchase order number will not be copied on the Purchase Order field on the Receive Expected Shipments page in the search panel.


Receive Expected Shipments - ASN

Queries expected shipment lines that can be received using ASN and its related header ID on the Receive Expected Shipments page.

ASN: Unique identifies for the advanced shipment notice for the shipment from the supplier.

ASNHeaderId: Unique identifier for the shipment header.

ASN column in the search results of the page Receive Expected Shipments.

Other object keys can be seen in the response payload for REST resource asnsForReceiving.

With All organization context, the deep link will display data for organizations related to Brazil but you will not be able to receive the lines. The ASN will not be copied to the ASN field on the Receive Expected Shipments page in the search panel.


Receive Expected Shipments - Transfer Order

Queries expected shipment lines that can be received using Transfer Order and its related header ID on the Receive Expected Shipments page.

TransferOrder: Unique identifier for the transfer order.

TransferOrderHeaderId: Unique identifier for the transfer order header. Each transfer order can request to move items from one location to another location.

Document number corresponding to the document type as transfer order in the search results of the page Receive Expected Shipments.

Other object keys can be seen in the response payload for REST resource transferOrdersForReceiving.

With All organization context, the deep link will display data for organizations related to Brazil but you will not be able to receive the lines. The transfer order will not be copied to the Transfer Order field on the Receive Expected Shipments page in the search panel.


Receive Expected Shipments - In transit Shipment

Queries expected shipment lines that can be received using an in transit shipment and its related header ID on the Receive Expected Shipments page.

InTransitShipment: Unique identifier for the shipment of the item that is in transit.

ShipmentHeaderId: Unique identifier for the shipment header.

Document Number corresponding to the document type as an In-transit shipment in the search results of the Receive Expected Shipments.

Other object keys can be seen in the response payload for REST resource inTransitShipments.

With All organization context the deep link will display data for organizations related to Brazil but you will not be able to receive the lines. The in-transit shipment will not be copied to the In-transit Shipment field on the Receive Expected Shipments page in the search panel.


Receive Expected Shipments - RMA

Queries expected shipment lines that can be received using RMA and its related header ID on the Receive Expected Shipments page.

RMANumber: Unique identifier for the return material authorization.

RMAHeaderId: Unique identifier for the return material authorization that it received from the customer.

Document number corresponding to the document type as a Return material authorizations order in the search results of the Receive Expected Shipments page.

Other object keys can be seen in the response payload for REST resource rmasForReceiving.

With All organization context the deep link will display data for organizations related to Brazil but you will not be able to receive the lines. The RMA number will not be copied to the RMA field on the Receive Expected Shipments page in the search panel.


Manage Transfer Order

Opens a specific transfer order on the Manage Transfer Orders page.

TransferOrder: Unique identifier for the transfer order.

TransferOrderHeaderId: Unique identifier for the transfer order header. Each transfer order can request to move items from one location to another location.

Transfer Order column on the search results table of the Manage Transfer Orders page.

Other object keys can be found using the Inventory Transfer Orders REST resource.

You must have access to either the source organization or the destination organization to be able to view the transfer order.


Manage Shipment Lines

Opens a specific outbound shipment line on the Manage Shipment Lines page.

Order: Order number from the order capture application.

Order column on the search results table of the Manage Shipment Lines page.

If an order has multiple lines then the Manage Shipment Lines page will open. If order has only one line then Edit Shipment Line page will open. You must have access to the ship-from organization to be able to see the data.


Edit Shipment

Opens a specific outbound shipment on the Edit Shipment page.

Shipment: Name of the material shipment.

DeliveryId: Unique identifier for the shipment.

Shipment field on the Edit Shipment page.

Other object keys can be seen using the output response of the Shipments REST resource.

Using the deep link You will land on the Edit Shipment page. For an invalid shipment value you will land on the Manage Shipments page.


Receive Items (SSP_RCV_PO,NONE)

Navigate to the Receive Items page.

poNumber : Purchase Order Number

poHeaderId: Unique identifier for the purchase order header


OTBI Subject Areas (for receiving and procurement)



Enterprise Asset (ORA_MNT_ASSET,EDIT)

Opens a specific Enterprise Asset on the Edit Asset Details page.

If you only haves the View Asset privilege, then you will be presented the Edit Asset Details page in View mode.

assetNumber: Unique number for an installed base asset

  • REST <AssetNumber>

  • OTBI

  • cse_assets_b table

Work Order dimension in the following subject areas:

  • Maintenance Management - Asset Real Time

  • Maintenance Management - Forecast Real Time

  • Installed Base - Meter Based Asset Usage Real Time

  • Maintenance Management - Work Requirement Real TimeOpens a specific Enterprise Asset on the Edit Asset Details page.



Customer Asset (ORA_CSE_ASSET,EDIT)

Opens a specific Customer Asset on the Edit Asset Details page.

If you only haves the View Asset privilege, then you will be presented the Edit Asset Details page in View mode.

assetNumber: Unique number for an installed base asset

  • REST <AssetNumber>

  • OTBI

  • cse_assets_b table

Work Order dimension in the following subject areas:

  • Installed Base - Customer Asset Real Time

  • Installed Base - Customer Asset Structure Real Time

  • Installed Base - Meter Based Asset Usage Real Time




Opens the Manage Maintenance Work Orders page.






Opens a specific work order on the Edit Work Order page.

workOrderId: Unique identifier of a maintenance work order.

  • REST <WorkOrderNumber>

  • OTBI

  • wie_work_orders_b table

Work Order dimension in the following subject areas:

  • Maintenance Management - Work Order Performance Real Time

  • Maintenance Management - Material Usage Real Time

  • Maintenance Management - Resource Usage Real Time

  • Maintenance Management - Purchased Item Usage Real Time




Opens a specific work order on the View Work Order page.

workOrderId: Unique identifier of a maintenance work order.

  • REST <WorkOrderNumber>

  • OTBI

  • wie_work_orders_b table

Work Order dimension in the following subject areas:

  • Maintenance Management - Work Order Performance Real Time

  • Maintenance Management - Work Order Performance Real Time

  • Maintenance Management - Resource Usage Real Time

  • Maintenance Management - Purchased Item Usage Real Time



Installed Base Asset (ORA_MNT_ASSET)

Opens the Manage Assets page.







Opens a specific work order on either the Edit Work Order or View Work page based on the context.

workOrderId: Unique identifier for a manufacturing work order.

organizationCode: Abbreviation that identifies the manufacturing plant.

workOrderNumber: Functional value that uniquely identifies a manufacturing work order number within a plant.

The ObjKey parameters can be obtained from either REST APIs, OTBI analysis or WIE_WORK_ORDERS_B table.

In OTBI, ObjKey parameters can be obtained from Work Order dimension in all manufacturing subject areas.

If both ID value and functional keys are sent, the ID value is considered for deep linking.

When navigating using functional ObjKeys, both organization code and work order number are required.



Opens a specific exception in either edit or view mode on the Report Production Exceptions page.

exceptionId: Unique identifier of a production exception.

exceptionNumber: Functional value that uniquely identifies a production exception.

The ObjKey parameters can be obtained from either REST APIs, OTBI analysis or ENQ_ISSUES_B table.

In OTBI, ObjKey parameters can be obtained from Exception Details dimension of Production Exceptions Real Time subject area.

If both ID value and functional keys are sent, the ID value is considered for deep linking.

The Report Production exceptions page is automatically rendered in either view or edit mode depending on the privileges and exception status.



Opens a specific work definition in either edit or view mode on the Work Definition page.

WorkDefinitionId: Unique identifier of a manufacturing work definition

. VersionNumber: Unique version number of the work definition.

organizationCode: Abbreviation that identifies the manufacturing plant.

WorkDefinitionCode: Abbreviation that identifies the work definition.

ItemNumber: Functional value that uniquely identifies the product item of the work definition.

ProcessName: Functional value that uniquely identifies the process name of a process manufacturing work definition.

The ObjKey parameters can be obtained from either REST APIs, OTBI analysis or WIS_WORK_DEFINITIONS, WIS_WD_VERSIONS tables.

In OTBI, ObjKey parameters can be obtained from Work Definition dimension in all manufacturing subject areas.

The Edit Work Definitions page is automatically rendered in either view or edit mode depending on the privileges, status and whether an active version is called..

You can navigate to work definition page using the following combinations of ObjKeys:

  • WorkDefinitionId and VersionNumber

  • OrganizationCode and ProcessName and VersionNumber

  • OrganizationCode and WorkDefinitionCode and ItemNumber and VersionNumber

If both ID values and functional keys are sent, the ID values are considered for deep linking.

If both work definition code and process name are sent, the process name is considered.



Opens a specific resource in either edit or view mode on the Edit Resources page.

ResourceId: Unique identifier for a production resource.

OrganizationCode: Abbreviation that identifies the manufacturing plant.

ResourceCode: Abbreviation that identifies the resource.

The ObjKey parameters can be obtained from either REST APIs, OTBI analysis or WIS_RESOURCES_B tables.

In OTBI, ObjKey parameters can be obtained from Work Definition dimension in applicable manufacturing subject areas.

The Edit Resources page is automatically rendered in either view or edit mode depending on the privileges.

If both ID values and functional keys are sent, the ID values are considered for deep linking.

Order Management


Opens the View Order page from the Order Management work area in the context of a specified sales order.

HeaderId: Value that uniquely identifies the sales order header.

OrderNumber: Number that identifies the sales order.

SourceOrderSystem: Value that references the upstream order capture system that contains the source order.

SourceTransactionNumber: Number that identifies the transaction in the source system.

SourceTransactionId: Uniquely identifies the transaction in the source system.

ChangeVersionNumber: Version number of the sales order.

DraftOrderFlag: Sales Order is in Draft status.


OrderNumber, SourceTransactionNumber and SourceTransactionId ObjKey will navigate you to the running order by default. If there isn't a running order, you will be navigated to the draft order.

For cases when OrderNumber is not unique, SourceOrderSystem will be passed to identify the order.

SourceOrderSystem ObjKey is mandatory when identifying an order using SourceTransactionNumber or SourceTransactionId

ChangeVersionNumber. The ObjKey can be passed to navigate to a specific version of an order. Custom UIs can use this to navigate to a reference version.

Order Management


Opens the Fulfillment View Page from the Order Management work area, in the context of a specified sales order.

HeaderId: Value that uniquely identifies the sales order header.

OrderNumber: Number that identifies the sales order.

SourceOrderSystem: Value that references the upstream order capture system that contains the source order.

SourceTransactionNumber: Number that identifies the transaction in the source system.

SourceTransactionId: Uniquely identifies the transaction in the source system.


OrderNumber, SourceTransactionNumber and SourceTransactionId ObjKey will navigate you to the running order by default. If there isn't a running order, you will be navigated to the draft order.

For cases when OrderNumber is not unique, SourceOrderSystem will be passed to identify the order.

SourceOrderSystem ObjKey is mandatory when identifying an order using SourceTransactionNumber or SourceTransactionId

Order Management

Order Management Dashboard (SALES_ORDER, NONE)

Opens the Order Management dashboard.

Not needed



Order Management

Create order (SALES_ORDER, CREATE)

Opens the Create Order Page from the Order Management work area.

Not needed



Product Lifecycle Management


Opens a specific portfolio on the Portfolio page.

PortfolioId: Unique identifier of the portfolio.

Visible in OTBI Subject Areas.


Product Lifecycle Management


Opens a specific concept on the Concepts page.

conceptId: Unique identifier of the concept.


OTBI Subject Area Innovation Management- Concepts Real Time


Product Lifecycle Management


Opens a specific proposal on the Proposals page.

productProposalId: Unique identifier of the proposal.


OTBI Subject Area Innovation Management- Proposals Real Time

Innovation Management- Proposals Cash flow Real Time


Product Lifecycle Management


Opens a specific idea on the Idea page.

IdeaId: Unique identifier of the idea.


OTBI Subject Area Innovation Management- Ideas Real Time


Product Lifecycle Management

Requirements Specification (REQUIREMENTS,EDIT)

Opens a specific requirements specification on the Requirement page.

requirementId: Unique identifier for the requirement.


OTBI Subject Area Innovation Management- Requirements Real Time


Product Lifecycle Management


Opens a specific change order on the Product Change Order page.

changeObjectId: Unique identifier for the change order.


OTBI Subject Area Product Management- Change Orders Real Time

Product Management- Change Order Approvals Real Time


Product Lifecycle Management


Opens a specific Engineering item on the Items page.

itemId: Unique identifier for the item.

orgId: Unique identifier for the organization.


OTBI Subject Area Product Management- Structures and Components Real Time

Product Management- Source Systems Real Time

Product Management- Items and Revisions Real Time


Product Lifecycle Management

Manufacturer Part (MPN,EDIT)

Opens a specific manufacturer part on the Manufacturer part page.

tpItemId: Unique identifier for the part.


OTBI Subject Area Product Management- Trading Partner Items Real Time


Product Lifecycle Management

Manufacturer (MFRS,EDIT)

Opens a specific manufacturer on the Manufacturer page.

partyId: Unique identifier for the party.


OTBI Subject Area Product Management- Trading Partner Items Real Time


Product Lifecycle Management

New Item Request (NIRS,EDIT)

Opens a specific new item request on the New Item Request page.

changeId: Unique identifier for the new item request.


OTBI Subject Area Product Management- New Item Requests Real Time

Product Management- New Item Requests Approvals Real Time


Product Management


Opens a specific item on the Item Details page.

pItemId: Unique identifier of an item.

pItemNumber, Value that identifies a part, item, product, or service.

pOrgId, Unique identifier of an organization.

pOrgCode, Code that identifies an organization.

Items V2 REST API: ItemId, ItemNumber, OrganizationId and OrganizationCode.

You can give either ItemId or ItemNumber and either OrgCode or OrgId.

Product Management

Manage Items (PIM_ITEM,NONE)

Opens the Manage Items search page.

Not Needed



Quality Inspection Management

View Inspection Results (INSPECTION_EVENTS,VIEW)

Opens a specific event on the Inspection Results page.

inspectionEventId: Unique identifier of the inspection results.

inspectionEventId column in table qa_ip_events.


Quality Inspection Management

View Inspection Plan (INSPECTION_PLANS,VIEW)

Opens a specific inspection plan on the Inspection plans page.

InspectionPlanId: Unique identifier of the inspection plan.

inspectionEventId column in table qa_ip_events.


Supplier Claims

Manage Supplier Claims (SUPPLIER_CLAIM,NONE)

Opens the Manage Claims page.

Not Needed



Supplier Claims


Opens a specific supplier claim on the Claim details page.

ClaimId or ClaimNumber ClaimId: Unique identifier of the channel claim.

ClaimNumber: Unique identifier of the channel claim that can be viewed in the UI.

ClaimId and ClaimNumber are available from Channel Claims REST

ClaimNumber is available in the Manage Claims UI and

Claim detail UI in Supplier Channel Management.

Query CLAIM_ID, CLAIM_NUMBER columns from CJM_CLAIMS_ALL table


Supply Chain Collaboration

Manage Supply Collaboration Network (COLLABORATION_RELATIONSHIP,EDIT)

Opens a specific collaboration relationship on the Manage Supply Collaboration Network page.

RelationshipNumber: Unique identifier of the collaboration relationship.

Relationship ID column in Manage Supply Collaboration Network Page of Supply Chain Collaboration Work area.


Supply Chain Planning

Manage Sourcing Rules (SOURCING_RULES,NONE)

Navigate to the Manage Sourcing Rules page.

Not needed



Supply Chain Planning

Edit Sourcing Rule (SOURCING_RULES,EDIT)

Opens a specific sourcing rule on the Manage Sourcing Rules page.

SourcingRuleId: Unique identifier of the sourcing rule.


OTBI Subject Area


Supply Chain Planning


Navigate to Manage Assignment Sets page.

Not needed



Supply Chain Planning


Opens a specific assignment set on the Manage Assignment Sets page.

AssignmentSetId: Unique identifier of the assignment sets.


OTBI Subject Area


Supply Chain Planning


Navigate to Manage ATP Rules page.

Not needed



Supply Chain Planning


Opens a specific ATP rule on the Manage ATP Rules page.

AtpRuleId: Unique identifier of the ATP rule.


OTBI Subject Area


Supply Chain Planning

Manage Planning Allocation Rules (ATP_ALLOCATION_RULES,NONE)

Navigate to Manage Planning Allocation Rules page.

Not needed



Supply Chain Planning


Opens a specific allocation rule on the Manage Planning Allocation Rules page.

AtpAllocationId: Unique identifier of allocation rule.


OTBI Subject Area
