Create Accruals from Imported Supplier Invoices

You can use Import Management from the Tools work area to import your supplier invoices from a CSV file into Channel Revenue Management. The successful upload of the CSV file creates a batch of transactions for processing.

On successful import, a channel batch is created in open status. You can view details of this batch on the Manage Batches page. The batch name is the same as the import activity name that you entered.

  • For a list of the attributes that can be used in the import of supplier invoices, see the topic Import Supplier Invoices under Related Topics.

  • For steps to perform the import, see the topic Import Data under Related Topics.

After the successful creation of a batch, you can create accruals for your supplier rebate programs by running the Create Accruals for Channel Batch process. This process checks to see if an accrual can be recorded for each supplier invoice in the channel batch. After creation, you can:

  • Track supplier rebate accruals in supplier and program checkbooks, and in claims.

  • View the performance of your supplier programs using the program checkbooks by grouping them based on purchase orders, items, bill-to locations, or ship-to locations.

  • Create and approve adjustments to the supplier rebate accruals.