B2B Document Sharing with Intelligent Oracle Business Network Connectivity

Match new suppliers with trading partners in Oracle Business Network (OBN) to improve business agility and reduce supplier transaction costs with automated and streamlined B2B document sharing.

Electronic transactions between you and your suppliers provide the most efficient, cost-effective means to manage your transaction flows. With intelligent matching of your new suppliers to trading partners in OBN during supplier creation and internal registration, you can share documents with your B2B-ready suppliers.

Suppliers are OBN enabled when they have an OBN account that's configured to receive purchase orders. The documents supported for B2B messaging are: purchase order, change purchase order, cancel purchase order, advance ship notice, and invoice.

The automatic B2B messaging setup is possible only for suppliers who are created or registered by selecting the company from the intelligent autosuggest search, and have an OBN trading partner account. This applies to all the sources for registering suppliers. If you can't find the supplier using the autosuggest search, you can manually set up B2B messaging on the supplier site. If you create or register the supplier by selecting from the autosuggest search, but the supplier isn't enabled in OBN, you can request the supplier to create an OBN account. Once the supplier completes the OBN registration successfully, you can search for the supplier as OBN trading partner and complete the document configuration.

You can leverage the automatic B2B messaging setup with suppliers on OBN. You can also configure B2B messaging with service providers other than OBN, for example, you may have an industry-specific service provider required for connecting with a few targeted suppliers in your industry.

The supplier site attribute B2B Communication Method has been renamed to Enable B2B Messaging, and the lookup values are changed from None to No and Collaboration Messaging Framework to Yes. The documents for OBN enabled suppliers will automatically get populated after you select Yes for the supplier site attribute Enable B2B Messaging.