Manage Project-Related Transactions for a Joint Venture

A joint venture definition can include project criteria to enable the distribution of transactions for certain capital projects and not others. This additional level of refinement is needed when accounts identified as distributable for a joint venture contain transactions for projects that you don’t want distributed.

See Identify Distributable Transactions by Project Values for more information.

In the Joint Venture Transactions work area, project-related transactions that meet the project criteria in a joint venture definition have a status of “Available to process.” Project-related transactions that don't meet the criteria are identified as “Not distributable.” Depending on your setup, transactions with this status might not appear in the work area. You can have a joint venture application administrator configure Joint Venture Management to exclude project-related transactions identified as “Not distributable.”

Note: By identifying all project-related transactions, distributable and not distributable transactions, Joint Venture Management ensures that previously identified project-related transactions aren't identified for processing again.

You might need to override the status of project-related transactions for scenarios such as these:

  • Change the status from Available to Process to On Hold, in case you need to settle a dispute about ownership percentages before processing the project-related transaction.

  • Change the status from Not Distributable to Available to Process, or the reverse.

    You might need to do this if the joint venture definition wasn't set up with the correct project criteria. You can update the joint venture definition to correct the issue before the next run of the Identify Joint Venture Transactions process.

    Or, you can delete any project-related transactions identified incorrectly as either Available to Process or Not distributable. You can then update the joint venture definition and rerun the process to correct the transactions.

You can make the following status changes to project-related transactions:

From Status To Status
Not Distributable Available to Process
Not Distributable On Hold
Available to Process Not Distributable
On Hold Not Distributable
Error Not Distributable