Resolve Blocked or Incompatible Processes

If your scheduled process has a Blocked status, that means another process that’s currently running is incompatible with your process and preventing your process from starting. Incompatible processes can’t be running at the same time.

A process can be self-incompatible, which means it can’t start if another submission for the same process is currently running. For example, if you get an error in the log saying that one or more requests are currently pending for definition, that means the process is self-incompatible.

There are two types of incompatibilities:

  • Global: Incompatible processes can never run at the same time, including self-incompatible processes.
  • Domain-Specific: Processes are incompatible only if they also have another matching criterion. So you might see that two processes are shown as incompatible, but notice that other submissions for the same two processes are running at the same time.

If you were able to submit a process but it’s now blocked, here’s how you can find what’s incompatible:

  1. Click Navigator > Tools > Scheduled Processes.
  2. Select your process in the Search Results table and open the Status Details tab.
  3. Expand the Incompatibility section to see which processes are incompatible with yours.

When you have a blocked process, you can go with one of these options:

  • Wait for the incompatible process to finish running so that yours can start. Optionally find that process in the Search Results table and track its status.
  • Cancel the incompatible process. For processes running on a schedule, view search results in a hierarchy and cancel the child node the represents what's currently running. Even after you cancel, it’s possible your process won’t start immediately, depending on how many other submissions there are.
  • Put the incompatible process on hold so that your process can run. You might need to resubmit your process. For processes running on a schedule, view search results in a hierarchy and put on hold the child node the represents the next run. Release the process after yours is done running.