Print Receipt Traveler Report

Use the Print Receipt Traveler Report scheduled process to help receive, inspect, and deliver the goods that you receive within your organization.

When to Use

After you receive goods, you can generate and print receipt travelers and attach these tickets to the goods. You can enter selection criteria to specify the receipt travelers that you want to print. Each receipt traveler has space for you to record delivery comments. You can set up the Print Receipt Traveler report to work in two different ways: Automatic Generation or Manual Generation.

If the Print Receipt Traveler option is selected on the Manage Receiving Parameters page for an organization, the receipt traveler is automatically generated when you perform a receipt or a put away transaction, or when you match unordered receipts in that organization.

Privileges Required

  • Print Receiving Receipt Traveler Report (RCV_PRINT_RECEIVING_RECEIPT_TRAVELER_REPORT_PRIV)


Review the following before setting up this scheduled process:
Specification Description
Job Type Scheduled or as needed.
Frequency As required, usually after the receiving transactions are performed.
Time of Day Any time after performing the receiving transactions.
Duration The duration of the process run depends on the parameters provided while running the report.
Compatibility There can be many requests running at the same time depending on the input parameters.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Values Special Combinations Required Notes
Title Optional Name of the report. Title None N/A
Source Organization Required Enter the organization name for this report. Organization None Don't run the report with just the mandatory parameters as it would print travelers for every receipt and put away for the combination. This would consume a lot of database resources. Include more optional parameters like From Receipt and To Receipt or From Item and To Item.
Receipt Source Required Select the receipt source. Supplier


Transfer order


None N/A
From Receipt Optional Enter the beginning receipt number. Receipt number None N/A
To Receipt Optional Enter the ending receipt number. Receipt number None N/A
From Item Optional Enter the beginning item number. Item number None N/A
To Item Optional Enter the ending item number. Item number None N/A
From Category Optional Enter the beginning item category. Item category None N/A
To Category Optional Enter the ending item category. Item category None N/A
Optional None N/A
Ship-to Location Optional Enter a ship-to location to restrict the report to a specific location. Location None N/A
Precision Optional Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report. Number None N/A

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the process in the Scheduled Processes work area. If the process status is error, select the row and click the log and output attachment on the Process Details tab. Download the log and output file. Share the files with support to log a service request.
  • It’s recommended to run the report automatically by setting the Print Receipt Traveler parameter on Manage Receiving Parameters page. The report runs twice for a two-step receiving process.
  • It’s highly recommended that the Print Receipt Traveler report shouldn’t be run with the Receipt Source and Source Organization parameters alone. If the combination of parameters results in large number of receipt travelers, the process might run for a long time, or it might not complete successfully. The report will complete successfully only when more parameters are provided.