Overview of Loading Event Actions and Event Action Groups

Use HCM Data Loader to load an event action. An event action links a process to the events within an event group.

Event actions are used by multiple features across HCM, such as retroactive timecard processing and the Generation of HCM rates process. When an event occurs, the process will be triggered based on a set of conditions defined on the event action.

There are different types of event actions, each with its own set of submission control rules. These action codes and names are user enterable free text fields. Here are the valid values for Event Action Type Code with their corresponding meaning:

Event Action Type Code Meaning
ORA_CREATE_RUN_REL_ACTIONS Create Historical Run Relationship Actions
ORA_HCM_RATES_RECALC HCM Rates Recalculation

Submission Types

The process associated to the event action can be run automatically each time an event is triggered for an employee. Alternatively, you can manually submit the process for all employees who have had an event triggered (but not yet processed). There are two event action submission types:

  • Automatic (SYNC): The application automatically submits processes such as retropay or late hires, each time an event action notification is generated.
  • Manual (MESS): The application processes the event action notifications, such as Generate HCM Rates notifications, using the ‘Process Event Action’ flow. The Process Event Action’ flow will generate a report that lists all the employees included in the process and any warning or error messages. When using this submission type for the HCM Rates process a report will also be generated which provides details the rates calculated by the process.

Steps to Enable the Event Group and Event Action Feature

  1. Create event action(s) for each feature such as to generate HCM rates.
  2. Create an event group to identify the type of changes to be monitored such as assignment updates. The event group should have an action type.
  3. Associate the event action(s) to the event group to indicate which features use the event group. For example, an event group can be used to monitor changes for retroactive timecard processing and the generation of HCM rates.