View Planning Measures for Archived Time Periods

For certain planning measures such as net forecast, planners find it useful to see the past data, compare it with the trending data, and predict the estimates for the future. When older plans are archived, the past data of the planning measures from the archived time periods can be retrieved and shown in a plan. The planners can use it for estimating the future trend.

To let your planners see the planning measures for the archived time periods for a plan, you need to:

  1. Create user-defined measures for an archived time period.
  2. Set a past duration within the archived period for your supply plan.
  3. Show the measures from the past duration in your plan table.

Create a User-Defined Measure for an Archived Time Period

When you create a user-defined measure for an archived time period, you need to add an archive expression in the Expressions tab. See the Create Measures and Assign to a Measure Catalog topic in the Using Supply Planning guide to learn how to create user-defined measures.

Here’s a sample archive expression that you can use when creating user-defined measures for archived data:

Archive (measure name, version number, Version,
Let’s say you’re creating measures for net forecast, planned orders, and sales orders. The example archive expressions for the measures are:
  • Archive (Net Forecast,1,"Version","Ad hoc")
  • Archive (Planned Orders,1,"Version","Ad hoc")
  • Archive (Sales Orders,1,"Version","Ad hoc")

After you create the measures, add them to your plan’s measure catalog. See the Create Measures and Assign to a Measure Catalog topic in the Using Supply Planning guide to learn how to assign measures to a catalog.

Set a Duration Within the Archived Period for a Supply Plan

In your supply plan, you need to set the duration in days within the archived period to see the archived measures. Here’s how you set it:

  1. Go to Actions and select Edit Plan Options.
  2. On the Supply tab, Click Select Advanced Options.
  3. On the General tab, below General Parameters, enter the number of days for the Days in the Past for Measure Display field.
  4. Click Done.

Show the Measures from Past Days on the Plan Table

Till now, you have created user-defined measures with an archived expression and added them to a plan’s measure catalog. You have determined the duration within the archived period for which you want to show your measures.

Next, you need to show the measures in a plan table. See the Overview of Tables Graphs Analysis Sets Tiles and Tile Sets topic in the Using Supply Planning guide to learn more.

After you have enabled displaying the measures in a plan table, change the view settings to see the past days. This setting is especially for the archived measures. Here’s how you do that:

  1. Open a plan and create a plan table or use an existing one.
  2. Select the archived measures that you want to show in the table.
  3. On the Table view, Click View, and select the Show Past Days check box. The table shows measures for the selected duration within the archived time periods of the plan.