Upgrade Product Management Data

The Upgrade Product Management Data job updates Product Management functional areas to include selected features.

Here are the features that you can optionally include in the upgrade:
  • Definition Application Role Uptake
  • Delete Automatically Generated Import Maps
  • Upgrade Manufacturer Management
  • Update Request ID and Load Request to 0
  • Update start dates on AML and display redlines

You must select each feature separately and run the Analysis or Execution process for each as required.

The Analysis process posts the results of the analysis in the request log and output files for scheduled process.

When to Use

  • Definition Application Role Uptake - Run this process to include the Owner column in the new item request definition page so that you can identify the user who completed the definition step or task.
  • Delete Automatically Generated Import Maps - Run this process to fix any issues with specific smart spreadsheets used for item mass updates.
  • Upgrade Manufacturer Management - You must run this process after opting in for the feature Upgrade Manufacturer Management to mass upgrade existing manufacturer objects. This upgrades product features and data by launching subprocesses for each type of update.
  • Update Request ID and Load Request to 0 - For items imported through non-FBDI processes, run this process to set the values for REQUEST_ID and LOAD_REQUEST_ID to 0. Once these IDs are populated, you can purge the data using the Purge Interface Tables scheduled process.
  • Update Start Dates on AML and Display Redlines - Run this process to update the start dates on existing AMLs and ensure that AML redlines are displayed correctly on change orders.


Upgrade Process Functional Features Commit Size Parameters
Execution New Item Request Definition Application Role Uptake 10 None
Execution Import Maps Delete Automatically Generated Import Maps NA Parameter 1 – Enter the name of the import map that must be deleted. Or enter All to delete all automatically generated import maps.
Execution Manufacturers Upgrade Manufacturer Management NA None
Execution Item Import Update request ID and load request to 0 NA None
Execution Item Relationships Update start dates on AML and display redlines. 10 None

Privileges Required

  • Manage Product Management Data Upgrade (EGO_MANAGE_PRODUCT_MANAGEMENT_DATA_UPGRADE_PRIV)


Review the following before setting up this scheduled process:

Specifications Descriptions
Job Type Ad hoc job.
Frequency As required
Time of the Day As and when required
Duration Based on data volume
Compatibility There’s no current functional need to run multiple instances of this process simultaneously.

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the job in the Scheduled Processes work area.
  • If the upgrade results in an error, you must fix the issues and rerun the Enterprise Scheduler Service job. The upgrade will only try to upgrade objects that haven't yet been upgraded.
  • For opt-in features, you must ensure that you’ve opted in for the feature before running the upgrade process.