Resolve Promotional Claims

Here you'll learn how to resolve promotional claims.

After research, if you identify a claim or deduction as promotional, then you can associate one more program accruals to the claim. Hence, you settle the claim to pay the accruals that are created from these programs.

  • On the Settlement tab, select Promotional as the type.
  • The Available programs to associate section automatically displays all the programs for the claim customer that are applicable for the associated business unit.

    Based on your channel settings, this section displays available programs to associate and also displays programs with zero balances. The setting that control these displays are Automatically Show Available Programs to Associate and Automatically Include Programs with Zero Balances.

    If Pay Over Earnings is enabled, then this section also lists programs that may not have earned accruals as yet.

  • You can search for specific accruals by year in the Results by Program section.
  • In the Filters section, you can search for specific accruals by:
    • Show active programs
    • Exclude zero balances
    • Program
    • Program Type
    • Item
    • Invoice
    • Accruals Before
    • Relationship
    • Related customer
    • Group By
  • If Pay Over Earnings is enabled in the Customer Trade Profile or in the Channel Settings, then you can associate accruals for more than the available amount. If Pay Over Earning is enabled, then the threshold type and values are mandatory and restrict the amount of unearned payments as follows:
    • Amount: Indicates that the threshold is a currency amount.
    • Percentage: Indicates that the threshold is a percentage of the earnings.
    • Unconditional: Indicates that the threshold is infinite. Claims go through the regular claim approval process.
      Note: The implementation must decide whether to instigate a different workflow inside the claim approval process based on whether a pay over is enabled and whether the pay over is unconditional or not. This is part of the payload sent to BPM and is up to each implementation to decide if their approvals use this information in their claims approval process.
  • The eligible settlement method for promotional customer claim is Credit Memo - On Account.

Claim Source

Settlement Method


Credit Memo - On Account

Invoice Deduction

Credit Memo - On Account

Manual Claim

Credit Memo - On Account

Custom Settlement Method

Pay Over Earnings

Pay over earnings for a customer account are supported only for settlement by Credit Memo on Account and are available in any of the following scenarios:

  • The program has or had any accrued amounts for the customer.
  • The program contains the customer as the qualifier without any accruals and the program doesn't have any beneficiary at the header level.
  • The customer is added as a beneficiary for the program at the header level.

The following list enumerates some of the salient features of pay over earnings:

  • Pay over earnings are available only for accrual association when you select Program as the Group By parameter in the View.
  • Pay over earnings aren't available if you apply the Item, Invoice or the Accruals Before filters.
  • The application evaluates the pay over eligibility when earnings are associated to a claim at the time of saving the claim or at the time of association of the claim.
  • Pay over earnings are available for customer rebate and customer annual volume programs. Pay over isn't available for lump sum programs without spread.
  • Pay over earnings are also available for related customer accrual associations. In this case, pay over settings of the related customer are evaluated based on the setup in Customer Trade Profile or Channel Settings.
  • Pay over is available only when the program is in active status. The application also validates if the customer qualifier date to ensure that the qualifier is active as on the pay over date.
  • The application evaluates the pay over threshold limit based on the total earned amount.
  • If the associated amount is greater than the available amount, then the association is considered as a pay over earning. The application first uses the available accrual amount and considers the additional amount as pay over adjustment. The application first uses the earliest accrued amounts, if available, and if there is any remaining balance, then a paid adjustment is created to cover the remaining amount. Ensure you create the pay over earnings record as adjustments using the predefined adjustment type Pay Over Earnings.
  • Once you complete a pay over earning for an offer and a customer using a program, then going forward that program is considered the same as any other program with accruals for that customer.
  • If a program has positive earnings in previous years, then pay over association isn't available for the current year. The application displays a message indicating that accruals exist from previous years for that program. All existing accruals for the program must be used before you can associate pay over earnings.
  • If you use a partial pay over, that is, you use the threshold amount partially, then you can use only the remaining threshold limit for a further pay over. For example, consider that the available balance is 0 and the threshold amount is $100. If you use a partial pay over association for $50, then you can use only up to $50 for the next pay over association else the pay over will cross threshold limit of $100.