CE_STATEMENT_HEADERS_INT contains information related to statement headers interface.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: CE

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: INTERFACE

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
STATEMENT_HEADER_INT_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Unique identifier of the bank statement header interface.
LOAD_REQUEST_ID NUMBER 18 Oracle internal use only.
IBAN_NUMBER VARCHAR2 50 International bank account number.
STATEMENT_TYPE VARCHAR2 40 Indicates whether the bank statement is intra day or prior day.
INBOUND_FILE_ID NUMBER Foreign key to the inbound file.
BANK_ACCT_USAGE VARCHAR2 60 Proprietary nature or use of the account.
STATEMENT_NUMBER VARCHAR2 50 Identification of the statement within the bank account.
CURRENCY_CODE VARCHAR2 15 Bank statement currency as reported by the bank.
BANK_ACCOUNT_NUM VARCHAR2 30 Bank account number to which the statement belongs.
BANK_NAME VARCHAR2 30 Name of the bank that appears on the bank statement.
BRANCH_NAME VARCHAR2 30 Name of the bank branch that appears on the bank statement.
ELECTRONIC_SEQ_NUM NUMBER Sequential number of the report, assigned by the account servicer. It is increased incrementally for each report sent electronically.
LEGAL_SEQ_NUM NUMBER Legal sequential number of the report, assigned by the account servicer. It is increased incrementally.
STATEMENT_DATE DATE Date when the bank statement was created. It appears on the bank statement.
STMT_FROM_DATE DATE Start date of the bank statement.
STMT_TO_DATE DATE End date of the bank statement.
PROCESS_STATUS_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Processing status of the bank statement.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Yes Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE1 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE2 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE3 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE4 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE5 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE6 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE7 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE8 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE9 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE10 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE11 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE12 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE13 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE14 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE15 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: structure definition of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
INTRADAY_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicator identifying this is an intraday bank statement.
INTRADAY_STMT_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Intraday bank statement type identified as either cumulative or incremental.

Foreign Keys

Table Foreign Table Foreign Key Column
ce_statement_lines_int ce_statement_headers_int STATEMENT_HEADER_INT_ID
ce_stmt_balances_int ce_statement_headers_int STATEMENT_HEADER_INT_ID
ce_stmt_import_errors ce_statement_headers_int STATEMENT_HEADER_INT_ID
ce_stmt_hdr_totals_int ce_statement_headers_int STATEMENT_HEADER_INT_ID


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns