This object stores the document lines from the upstream applications. The document lines are used for VSOE price calculation and also for creating multiple element arrangements in the Revenue Management application


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: VRM

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: FUSION_TS_TX_DATA

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
DOCUMENT_LINE_ID NUMBER 18 Yes System-generated unique key for source document line. Examples of source document line include sales order line, invoice line, project line, and service contract line.
DOCUMENT_ID NUMBER 18 Source document identifier of line. Foreign key to DOCUMENT_ID in VRM_SOURCE_DOCUMENTS.
APPLICATION_ID NUMBER 18 Oracle Application identifier of source document. Foreign key to FND applications table. For example, 222 for Receivables invoices, or users can optionally use -1.
DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID NUMBER 18 Source document type identifier of various source systems which integrate with revenue management.
DOC_LINE_ID_INT_1 NUMBER First numeric column of the key that identifies source document line in source application.
DOC_LINE_ID_INT_2 NUMBER Second numeric column of the key that identifies source document line in source application.
DOC_LINE_ID_INT_3 NUMBER Third numeric column of the key that identifies source document line in source application.
DOC_LINE_ID_INT_4 NUMBER Fourth numeric column of the key that identifies source document line in source application.
DOC_LINE_ID_INT_5 NUMBER Fifth numeric column of the key that identifies source document line in source application.
DOC_LINE_ID_CHAR_1 VARCHAR2 30 First character column of the key that identifies source document line in source application.
DOC_LINE_ID_CHAR_2 VARCHAR2 30 Second character column of the key that identifies source document line in source application.
DOC_LINE_ID_CHAR_3 VARCHAR2 30 Third character column of the key that identifies source document line in source application.
DOC_LINE_ID_CHAR_4 VARCHAR2 30 Fourth character column of the key that identifies source document line in source application.
DOC_LINE_ID_CHAR_5 VARCHAR2 30 Fifth character column of the key that identifies source document line in source application.
DOC_ID_INT_1 NUMBER First numeric column of the key that identifies source document in source application.
DOC_ID_INT_2 NUMBER Second numeric column of the key that identifies source document in source application.
DOC_ID_INT_3 NUMBER Third numeric column of the key that identifies source document in source application.
DOC_ID_INT_4 NUMBER Fourth numeric column of the key that identifies source document in source application.
DOC_ID_INT_5 NUMBER Fifth numeric column of the key that identifies source document in source application.
DOC_ID_CHAR_1 VARCHAR2 30 First character column of the key that identifies source document in source application.
DOC_ID_CHAR_2 VARCHAR2 30 Second character column of the key that identifies source document in source application.
DOC_ID_CHAR_3 VARCHAR2 30 Third character column of the key that identifies source document in source application.
DOC_ID_CHAR_4 VARCHAR2 30 Fourth character column of the key that identifies source document in source application.
DOC_ID_CHAR_5 VARCHAR2 30 Fifth character column of the key that identifies source document in source application.
DOCUMENT_DATE DATE Yes Date of source document, such as book date for sales order, or invoice date for invoice.
LINE_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Source document line type for a project line. Possible values are ORIGINAL for initial baselined approved version, and REVISION for subsequent changes including changes to the revenue budget or for project status changed to closed.
LINE_NUMBER NUMBER 18 Oracle internal use only.
INVENTORY_ORG_ID NUMBER 18 Item inventory organization identifier of inventory item on source document line.
ITEM_ID NUMBER 18 Inventory item identifier on source document line. For a single source line, pass values in either ITEM_ID or MEMO_LINE_SEQ_ID columns, but not both.
ITEM_NUMBER VARCHAR2 300 Inventory item numeric identifier on source document line.
ITEM_DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2 240 Description of inventory item on source document line.
MEMO_LINE_ID NUMBER 18 Oracle internal use only.
UOM_CODE VARCHAR2 200 Yes Unit of measure of inventory item or memo line on source document line.
QUANTITY NUMBER Yes Quantity of inventory item or memo line on source document line.
UNIT_SELLING_PRICE NUMBER Yes Selling price per unit of measure of the inventory item or memo line.
UNIT_LIST_PRICE NUMBER List price per unit of measure of the inventory item or memo line.
DISCOUNT_PERCENTAGE NUMBER Percentage discount of unit selling price of inventory item or memo line on source document line. This column is used in FMV calculations and compliance processing.
UNIT_SELLING_PCT_BASE_PRICE NUMBER Selling price per unit of measure of the inventory item or memo line as percentage of base price.
UNIT_LIST_PCT_BASE_PRICE NUMBER List price per unit of measure of the inventory item or memo line as percentage of base price.
BASE_PRICE NUMBER Base price per unit of measure of the inventory item or memo line.
LINE_AMOUNT NUMBER Extended line amount on source document line.
BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_ID NUMBER 18 Account identifier of bill-to customer on source document.
SHIP_TO_CUSTOMER_ID NUMBER 18 Account identifier of ship-to customer on source document line.
BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_PARTY_ID NUMBER 18 Party identifier of bill-to customer on source document.
BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_PARTY_NUM VARCHAR2 30 Party number of bill-to customer.
BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_PARTY_NAME VARCHAR2 360 Party name of bill-to customer on source document.
BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_NUM VARCHAR2 30 Account number of bill-to customer on source document.
SHIP_TO_CUSTOMER_NUM VARCHAR2 30 Account number of ship-to customer on source document line.
BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_NAME VARCHAR2 360 Name of the Bill To Customer associated with source document.
SHIP_TO_CUSTOMER_NAME VARCHAR2 360 Name of ship-to customer on source document line.
BILL_TO_CUST_SITE_NAME VARCHAR2 240 Site name of bill-to customer on source document.
BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_SITE_ID NUMBER 18 Site identifier of bill-to customer on source document.
SHIP_TO_CUSTOMER_SITE_ID NUMBER 18 Site identifier of ship-to customer on source document line.
SHIP_TO_CUST_SITE_NAME VARCHAR2 240 Site name of ship-to customer on source document line.
BILL_TO_COUNTRY VARCHAR2 60 Country code of bill-to customer on source document.
SHIP_TO_COUNTRY VARCHAR2 60 Country code of ship-to customer on source document line.
BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_STATE VARCHAR2 60 State code of bill-to customer on source document.
BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_COUNTY VARCHAR2 60 County of bill-to customer on source document.
BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_CITY VARCHAR2 60 City of bill-to customer on source document.
BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_POSTAL_CODE VARCHAR2 60 Postal code of bill-to customer on source document.
BILL_TO_CUST_CLASSIFICATION VARCHAR2 60 Customer classification of bill-to customer on source document. Values are from the lookup CUSTOMER_CLASS. Value at source document line level takes precedence over value at source document level.
MEMO_LINE_NAME VARCHAR2 50 Memo line name of source document line.
PAYMENT_TERM_NAME VARCHAR2 15 Payment term name on source document.
ACCOUNTING_RULE_NAME VARCHAR2 30 Accounting rule name on the source document line.
INVENTORY_ORG_CODE VARCHAR2 18 Item inventory organization code of inventory item on source document line.
ORIG_SYS_BILL_TO_CUST_SITE_REF VARCHAR2 255 Original application bill-to customer site reference on source document.
ORIG_SYS_SHIP_TO_CUST_SITE_REF VARCHAR2 255 Original application ship-to customer site reference on source document.
ORIG_SYS_BILL_TO_CUST_REF VARCHAR2 255 Original application bill-to customer reference on source document.
ORIG_SYS_SHIP_TO_CUST_REF VARCHAR2 255 Original application ship-to customer reference on source document.
SOURCE_INVENTORY_ORG_CODE VARCHAR2 18 Oracle internal use only
SOURCE_MEMO_LINE_NAME VARCHAR2 50 Oracle internal use only.
SOURCE_ITEM_NUMBER VARCHAR2 300 Inventory item number in source application. This column is used to correct data transformation errors.
SOURCE_UOM_CODE VARCHAR2 3 Oracle internal use only
SOURCE_SALESREP_NAME VARCHAR2 360 Oracle internal use only
SOURCE_PAYMENT_TERM_NAME VARCHAR2 15 Oracle internal use only
SOURCE_ACCOUNTING_RULE_NAME VARCHAR2 30 Oracle internal use only.
SOURCE_BILL_TO_CUST_NUM VARCHAR2 30 Oracle internal use only
SOURCE_BILL_TO_CUST_NAME VARCHAR2 360 Oracle internal use only.
SOURCE_BILL_TO_CUST_SITE_NUM VARCHAR2 240 Oracle internal use only
SOURCE_BILL_TO_CUST_ADDRESS VARCHAR2 960 Oracle internal use only.
SOURCE_SHIP_TO_CUST_NUM VARCHAR2 30 Oracle internal use only
SOURCE_SHIP_TO_CUST_NAME VARCHAR2 360 Oracle internal use only
SOURCE_SHIP_TO_CUST_SITE_NUM VARCHAR2 240 Oracle internal use only
SOURCE_SHIP_TO_CUST_ADDRESS VARCHAR2 960 Oracle internal use only
DATA_TRANSFORMATION_STATUS VARCHAR2 30 Oracle internal use only.
DATA_TRANS_ERROR_MESSAGE VARCHAR2 1000 Oracle internal use only
DELIVERED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Oracle internal use only.
INVOICED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates whether source document line is billed. Possible values are Y and N.
FULFILLED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Oracle internal use only.
CANCELLED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Oracle internal use only.
DELIVERY_STATUS VARCHAR2 30 Delivery status of a source document line. Values are from the lookup VRM_MEA_LINE_DELIVERY_STATUS.
DELIVERY_DATE DATE Fulfillment date of a source document line.
SALESREP_ID NUMBER 22 Oracle internal use only.
SALESREP_NAME VARCHAR2 360 Salesperson name on source document line. This column is used for information only within MEA. For revenue assignments to salespersons, specify the information in SP_FIRST_NAME, SP_LAST_NAME and SP_MIDDLE_NAME columns.
LINE_CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time when the source document line was created.
LINE_LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time when the source document line was created.
COMMENTS VARCHAR2 240 Customer purchase order on source document.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR1 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR2 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR3 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR4 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR5 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR6 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR7 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR8 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR9 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR10 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR11 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR12 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR13 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR14 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR15 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR16 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR17 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR18 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR19 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR20 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR21 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR22 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR23 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR24 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR25 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR26 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR27 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR28 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR29 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR30 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR31 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR32 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR33 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR34 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR35 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR36 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR37 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR38 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR39 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR40 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR41 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR42 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR43 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR44 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR45 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR46 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR47 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR48 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR49 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR50 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR51 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR52 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR53 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR54 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR55 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR56 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR57 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR58 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR59 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR60 VARCHAR2 150 Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER1 NUMBER Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER2 NUMBER Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER3 NUMBER Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER4 NUMBER Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER5 NUMBER Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER6 NUMBER Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER7 NUMBER Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER8 NUMBER Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER9 NUMBER Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER10 NUMBER Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER11 NUMBER Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER12 NUMBER Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER13 NUMBER Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER14 NUMBER Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER15 NUMBER Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER16 NUMBER Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER17 NUMBER Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER18 NUMBER Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER19 NUMBER Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER20 NUMBER Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_DATE1 DATE Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_DATE2 DATE Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_DATE3 DATE Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_DATE4 DATE Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_DATE5 DATE Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_DATE6 DATE Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_DATE7 DATE Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_DATE8 DATE Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_DATE9 DATE Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_DATE10 DATE Generic column to store source document attribute. These extensible columns are used to pass additional information from the source instance into Oracle Fusion Revenue Management not covered by the standard attributes.
REQUEST_ID NUMBER 18 Enterprise Service Scheduler: indicates the request ID of the job that created or last updated the row.
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Yes Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
MEMO_LINE_SEQ_ID NUMBER 18 Memo line identifier on source document line.
PAYMENT_AMOUNT NUMBER Payment amount of a source document line.
QUANTITY_CANCELLED NUMBER Oracle internal use only.
QUANTITY_SHIPPED NUMBER Oracle internal use only.
QUANTITY_ORDERED NUMBER Oracle internal use only.
QUANTITY_FULFILLED NUMBER Oracle internal use only.
QUANTITY_INVOICED NUMBER Quantity that has been invoiced.
OPEN_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Oracle internal use only.
CUST_PO_NUMBER VARCHAR2 50 Customer purchase order on source document.
PROJECT_ID NUMBER 18 Oracle internal use only.
TASK_ID NUMBER 18 Oracle internal use only.
PAYMENT_TERM_ID NUMBER 18 Payment term identifier on source document line.
ACCOUNTING_RULE_ID NUMBER 18 Revenue scheduling rule identifier on source document line. Revenue scheduling rule determines the timing of revenue recognition.
RULE_START_DATE DATE Revenue recoginition start date for revenue rule types, such as daily revenue rate, all periods or daily revenue rate, and partial periods.
RULE_END_DATE DATE Revenue recoginition end date for revenue rule types, such as daily revenue rate, all periods or daily revenue rate, and partial periods.
ACTUAL_SHIPMENT_DATE DATE Shipment date of item on source document line. This column is used for revenue recognition to expire contingencies when document lines originate from Oracle Fusion Order Management.
ACTUAL_ARRIVAL_DATE DATE Oracle internal use only.
FOB_POINT_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Oracle internal use only.
FRIEGHT_TERMS_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Oracle internal use only.
SCHEDULED_STATUS_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Oracle internal use only.
SOURCE_TYPE_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Oracle internal use only.
RETURN_REASON_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Oracle internal use only.
SHIPPING_INTERFACED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Oracle internal use only.
CREDIT_INVOICE_LINE_ID NUMBER 18 Oracle internal use only.
REFERENCE_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINE_ID NUMBER 18 Oracle internal use only.
SHIPPABLE_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Oracle internal use only.
FULFILLMENT_DATE DATE Oracle internal use only.
ACCOUNTING_RULE_DURATION NUMBER Number of accounting periods for revenue recognition. Required when accounting rule type on source document line is VARIABLE.
ACTUAL_FULFILLMENT_DATE DATE Oracle internal use only.
CONTINGENCY_ID NUMBER 18 Oracle internal use only.
REVREC_EVENT_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Oracle internal use only.
REVREC_EXPIRATION_DAYS NUMBER Oracle internal use only.
ACCEPTED_QUANTITY NUMBER Oracle internal use only.
ACCEPTED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Oracle internal use only.
REVREC_COMMENTS VARCHAR2 240 Oracle internal use only.
REVREC_REFERENCE_DOCUMENT VARCHAR2 240 Oracle internal use only.
REVREC_SIGNATURE VARCHAR2 240 Oracle internal use only.
REVREC_SIGNATURE_DATE DATE Oracle internal use only.
REVREC_IMPLICIT_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Oracle internal use only.
COST_AMOUNT NUMBER Cost of inventory item or memo line. This column is used to calculate gross margin percent.
GROSS_MARGIN_PERCENT NUMBER Gross margin percentage for a source line. This column is used in fair market value computation for gross margin percent FMV representation type.
SRC_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY VARCHAR2 30 Descriptive Flexfield: structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield.
SOURCE_ORG_ID NUMBER 18 Oracle internal use only.
REFERENCE_DOC_LINE_ID_INT_1 NUMBER First numeric column of reference key that identifies parent source document line in source application for a return or revision line. For example, the reference key linking a credit memo line to the original invoice line.
REFERENCE_DOC_LINE_ID_INT_2 NUMBER Second numeric column of reference key that identifies parent source document line in source application for a return or revision line. For example, the reference key linking a credit memo line to the original invoice line.
REFERENCE_DOC_LINE_ID_INT_3 NUMBER Third numeric column of reference key that identifies parent source document line in source application for a return or revision line. For example, the reference key linking a credit memo line to the original invoice line.
REFERENCE_DOC_LINE_ID_INT_4 NUMBER Fourth numeric column of reference key that identifies parent source document line in source application for a return or revision line. For example, the reference key linking a credit memo line to the original invoice line.
REFERENCE_DOC_LINE_ID_INT_5 NUMBER Fifth numeric column of reference key that identifies parent source document line in source application for a return or revision line. For example, the reference key linking a credit memo line to the original invoice line.
REFERENCE_DOC_LINE_ID_CHAR_1 VARCHAR2 30 First character column of reference key that identifies parent source document line in source application for a return or revision line. For example, the reference key linking a credit memo line to the original invoice line.
REFERENCE_DOC_LINE_ID_CHAR_2 VARCHAR2 30 Second character column of reference key that identifies parent source document line in source application for a return or revision line. For example, the reference key linking a credit memo line to the original invoice line.
REFERENCE_DOC_LINE_ID_CHAR_3 VARCHAR2 30 Third character column of reference key that identifies parent source document line in source application for a return or revision line. For example, the reference key linking a credit memo line to the original invoice line.
REFERENCE_DOC_LINE_ID_CHAR_4 VARCHAR2 30 Fourth character column of reference key that identifies parent source document line in source application for a return or revision line. For example, the reference key linking a credit memo line to the original invoice line.
REFERENCE_DOC_LINE_ID_CHAR_5 VARCHAR2 30 Fifth character column of reference key that identifies parent source document line in source application for a return or revision line. For example, the reference key linking a credit memo line to the original invoice line.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY VARCHAR2 30 Descriptive Flexfield: structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE1 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE2 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE3 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE4 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE5 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE6 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE7 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE8 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE9 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE10 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE11 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE12 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE13 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE14 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE15 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE16 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE17 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE18 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE19 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE20 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_DATE1 DATE Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_DATE2 DATE Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_DATE3 DATE Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_DATE4 DATE Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_DATE5 DATE Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER1 NUMBER Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER2 NUMBER Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER3 NUMBER Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER4 NUMBER Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER5 NUMBER Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
SOURCE_INVENTORY_ORG_ID NUMBER 18 Oracle internal use only.
REVENUE_REVERSAL_METHOD VARCHAR2 30 Revenue reversal method used to reverse the revenue.
VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Source document line version when document versioning is supported. For example, original is 1 and revisions are 2 or more. VERSION_FLAG must be populated when version number is greater than 1.
VERSION_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates whether the current source product line is a version line. Possible values are Y and N.
LINE_NUM VARCHAR2 30 Source document line number in source application.
DISCOUNT_AMOUNT NUMBER Oracle internal use only.
LAST_PERIOD_TO_CREDIT NUMBER Oracle internal use only.
LOAD_REQUEST_ID NUMBER 18 Enterprise Service Scheduler: indicates the request ID of the job that created or last updated the row.
REFERENCE_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID NUMBER 18 Document type identifier of reference document line. For example, the reference key linking a credit memo line to the original invoice line.
SOURCE_SYSTEM VARCHAR2 120 Source application of document data to identify source document sub line. Each integrating application has a unique value, such as EBIZ.
SP_FIRST_NAME VARCHAR2 360 First name of salesperson on source document line. This column is used to derive the salesrep_id by the processing programs.
SP_MIDDLE_NAME VARCHAR2 80 Middle name of salesperson on source document line. This column is used to derive the salesrep_id by the processing programs.
SP_LAST_NAME VARCHAR2 150 Last name of salesperson on source document line. This column is used to derive the salesrep_id by the processing programs.
REFERENCE_SOURCE_SYSTEM VARCHAR2 120 Source instance of reference document line. For example, the reference key linking a credit memo line to the original invoice line
ACCOUNTING_EFFECT_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates the source product accounting is complete. Possible values are Yes or No.
SATISFACTION_MEASUREMENT_MODEL VARCHAR2 30 Specifies how satisfaction should be measured and recorded on a performance obligation line. Values are from the lookup type ORA_VRM_SATIS_MEAS_MODEL.
DOCUMENT_TYPE_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Code of the source document type.
REFERENCE_DOCUMENT_TYPE_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Document type code of the reference source document.
CONTRACT_UPDATE_TEMPLATE_NAME VARCHAR2 60 Revenue contract update template name.
CONTRACT_UPDATE_TEMPLATE_ID NUMBER 18 Revenue contract update template identifier.
CONTRACT_MODIFICATION_DATE DATE The date on which the revenue contract was modified.
INITIAL_DOC_LINE_ID_INT_1 NUMBER First numeric column of the reference key that identifies the parent source document line in the source application for the current line.
INITIAL_DOC_LINE_ID_INT_2 NUMBER Second numeric column of the reference key that identifies the parent source document line in the source application for the current line.
INITIAL_DOC_LINE_ID_INT_3 NUMBER Third numeric column of the reference key that identifies the parent source document line in the source application for the current line.
INITIAL_DOC_LINE_ID_INT_4 NUMBER Fourth numeric column of the reference key that identifies the parent source document line in the source application for the current line.
INITIAL_DOC_LINE_ID_INT_5 NUMBER Fifth numeric column of the reference key that identifies the parent source document line in the source application for the current line.
INITIAL_DOC_LINE_ID_CHAR_1 VARCHAR2 30 First character column of the reference key that identifies the parent source document line in the source application for the current line.
INITIAL_DOC_LINE_ID_CHAR_2 VARCHAR2 30 Second character column of the reference key that identifies the parent source document line in the source application for the current line.
INITIAL_DOC_LINE_ID_CHAR_3 VARCHAR2 30 Third character column of the reference key that identifies the parent source document line in the source application for the current line.
INITIAL_DOC_LINE_ID_CHAR_4 VARCHAR2 30 Fourth character column of the reference key that identifies the parent source document line in the source application for the current line.
INITIAL_DOC_LINE_ID_CHAR_5 VARCHAR2 30 Fifth character column of the reference key that identifies the parent source document line in the source application for the current line.
INITIAL_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID NUMBER 18 Document type identifier of the parent source document line for the current line.
INITIAL_DOCUMENT_TYPE_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Document type code of the parent source document line for the current line.
INITIAL_SOURCE_SYSTEM VARCHAR2 120 Source system code of the parent document line for the current line.
ADD_TO_CONTRACT_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates whether a new line from the source system should be added to an existing contract. Blank is equivalent to N.
ADD_TO_CONTRACT_ACTION_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Specifies how a new line from the source system should be processed. Values are derived from the lookup type ORA_ADD_TO_CONTRACT_ACTION. Blank is equivalent to ORA_ADD_TO_EXISTING_PO.
MANUAL_REVIEW_REQUIRED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates if contract review should be queued for manual review. Possible values are Y and N.
REVISION_INTENT_TYPE_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Revision intent for the source document revision line. Values are from the lookup type ORA_VRM_REVISION_INTENT_TYPE.
DOCUMENT_LINE_TYPE_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Specifies the type of line sent from the source system. Values are derived from the lookup type ORA_VRM_DOCUMENT_LINE_TYPE. Blank is equivalent to ORA_NEW_LINE.
RECURRING_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates whether the line will recur on the line's satisfaction plan end date. Valid values are from the lookup type VRM_YES/NO.
RECURRING_FREQUENCY NUMBER Frequency number of the recurring pattern.
RECURRING_PATTERN_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Recurring frequency of the line. Valid values are from the lookup type VRM_RECUR_PATTERN_CODE.
RECURRING_AMOUNT NUMBER Selling amount per frequency for the recurring line.
TERMINATION_DATE DATE Date the line was terminated and will no longer recur automatically.
IMMATERIAL_CHANGE_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Immaterial change type for this line. Valid values are from the lookup type ORA_IMMATERIAL_CHANGE_TYPE.
RECUR_LINE_COPY_NUM NUMBER 18 Sequence number of the recurring source document line.
RECUR_HEADER_COPY_NUM NUMBER 18 Number of times the recurring source document header was copied.
RECUR_LINE_PROCESSED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates the line was processed for the period. Valid values are from the lookup type VRM_YES/NO.
CONTRACT_GROUP_NUMBER VARCHAR2 320 Concatenation of the original customer contract's source document number and customer contract number for the recurring line.
ORIGINAL_DOCUMENT_LINE_ID NUMBER 18 Original source document line identifier used to create the recurring source document line.
ORIGINAL_DOCUMENT_ID NUMBER 18 Original source document identifier used to create the recurring source document.
UNIT_SSP NUMBER Unit standalone selling price of the item or memo line.
RESIDUAL_APPROACH_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates the pricing for the goods or services for the line is variable or missing and the standalone selling price for the resulting performance obligation is to be estimated using the residual approach. Valid values are from the lookup type VRM_YES/NO.
CONTRACT_ID_STRING VARCHAR2 100 Source document line unique contract identifier assigned during the Validate Customer Data Contract Identification Rule evaluation subprocess.
CONTRACT_RULE_ID NUMBER 18 Unique identifier of the contract rule used to group the source document line into a contract.
CONTRACT_CLASSIFICATION_CODE VARCHAR2 30 User-defined contract categorization of the contract rule applied to the source document line.
CONTRACT_REFERENCE VARCHAR2 1000 User-entered contract reference or grouping attribute values. Used to identify the contract as derived by enabling the Copy to Reference option in the Contract Identification rule used by the source document line.
LIST_PRICE_AMOUNT NUMBER List [rice amount of the item or memo line
SERVICE_UOM VARCHAR2 200 Unit of measure of the service item on the source document line. Valid values are from the Price Periodicity UOM Class defined in Oracle Fusion Pricing.
SERVICE_DURATION NUMBER Duration of the service item in terms of the service unit of measure.
REFERENCE_EXCHANGE_RATE_DATE DATE The date used to convert the source document entered currency amounts to reference currency.
BILL_REF_DOC_LINE_ID_INT_1 NUMBER First numeric column of the reference key that identifies the parent source document line in the source application to match the bill lines with the revenue lines. These reference keys are used to associate the bill lines with the corresponding revenue lines.
BILL_REF_DOC_LINE_ID_INT_2 NUMBER Second numeric column of the reference key that identifies the parent source document line in the source application to match the bill lines with the revenue lines. These reference keys are used to associate the bill lines with the corresponding revenue lines.
BILL_REF_DOC_LINE_ID_INT_3 NUMBER Third numeric column of the reference key that identifies the parent source document line in the source application to match the bill lines with the revenue lines. These reference keys are used to associate the bill lines with the corresponding revenue lines.
BILL_REF_DOC_LINE_ID_INT_4 NUMBER Fourth numeric column of the reference key that identifies the parent source document line in the source application to match the bill lines with the revenue lines. These reference keys are used to associate the bill lines with the corresponding revenue lines.
BILL_REF_DOC_LINE_ID_INT_5 NUMBER Fifth numeric column of the reference key that identifies the parent source document line in the source application to match the bill lines with the revenue lines. These reference keys are used to associate the bill lines with the corresponding revenue lines.
BILL_REF_DOC_LINE_ID_CHAR_1 VARCHAR2 30 First character column of the reference key that identifies the parent source document line in the source application to match the bill lines with the revenue lines. These reference keys are used to associate the bill lines with the corresponding revenue lines.
BILL_REF_DOC_LINE_ID_CHAR_2 VARCHAR2 30 Second character column of the reference key that identifies the parent source document line in the source application to match the bill lines with the revenue lines. These reference keys are used to associate the bill lines with the corresponding revenue lines.
BILL_REF_DOC_LINE_ID_CHAR_3 VARCHAR2 30 Third character column of the reference key that identifies the parent source document line in the source application to match the bill lines with the revenue lines. These reference keys are used to associate the bill lines with the corresponding revenue lines.
BILL_REF_DOC_LINE_ID_CHAR_4 VARCHAR2 30 Fourth character column of the reference key that identifies the parent source document line in the source application to match the bill lines with the revenue lines. These reference keys are used to associate the bill lines with the corresponding revenue lines.
BILL_REF_DOC_LINE_ID_CHAR_5 VARCHAR2 30 Fifth character column of the reference key that identifies the parent source document line in the source application to match the bill lines with the revenue lines. These reference keys are used to associate the bill lines with the corresponding revenue lines.
BILL_REF_SOURCE_SYSTEM VARCHAR2 120 Source system of the parent source document line. This is used to identify the parent source document line and facilitate in matching bill lines with revenue lines.
BILL_REF_DOCUMENT_TYPE_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Document type code of the parent source document line. This is used to identify the parent source document line and facilitate in matching bill lines with revenue lines.
BILL_REF_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID NUMBER Document type identifier of the parent source document line. This is used to identify the parent source document line and facilitate in matching bill lines with revenue lines.

Foreign Keys

Table Foreign Table Foreign Key Column
vrm_perf_obligation_lin_splits vrm_source_doc_lines DOCUMENT_LINE_ID
vrm_revenue_doc_lines_all vrm_source_doc_lines DOCUMENT_LINE_ID
vrm_contr_carveout_lines vrm_source_doc_lines DOCUMENT_LINE_ID
vrm_reference_currency_details vrm_source_doc_lines DOCUMENT_LINE_ID
vrm_source_doc_sub_lines vrm_source_doc_lines DOCUMENT_LINE_ID
vrm_pol_satisfaction_events vrm_source_doc_lines DOCUMENT_LINE_ID
vrm_mea_doc_lines vrm_source_doc_lines DOCUMENT_LINE_ID
vrm_price_line_exceptions vrm_source_doc_lines DOCUMENT_LINE_ID
vrm_standalone_sales vrm_source_doc_lines DOCUMENT_LINE_ID
vrm_perf_obligation_lines vrm_source_doc_lines REV_REC_PROCESD_DOC_LINE_ID
vrm_perf_obligation_lines vrm_source_doc_lines DOCUMENT_LINE_ID
vrm_pricing_lines vrm_source_doc_lines TOP_PARENT_DOCUMENT_LINE_ID
vrm_billing_line_applications vrm_source_doc_lines DOCUMENT_LINE_ID
vrm_accounting_events vrm_source_doc_lines DOCUMENT_LINE_ID


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns