How Cycle Count Schedules Are Generated

This topic discusses how cycle count schedules are generated.

Settings That Affect Cycle Count Schedule Generation

Cycle counts are generated using the automatic schedule parameters that you set on the Define Schedules and Approvals page. On this page, you must enable automatic scheduling to generate cycle counts. Additionally, you must set the Cycle Count Enabled item attribute to Yes for each item you want to include in a cycle count.

How Cycle Count Schedules Are Generated

Cycle count schedules are generated at the frequency that you define. For example, if the frequency is weekly, cycle counts are scheduled for all items that need to be counted on all of the workdays in the current week. If the frequency is daily, cycle counts are scheduled for items that are due for counting on the current date.

A cycle count request is generated for each item number, revision, lot number, subinventory, and locator combination for which on-hand quantities exist. Cycle count requests are ordered first by subinventory and locator, then by item, revision, and lot. A unique sequence number is assigned to each cycle count request, and can be used for reporting, querying, and rapid count entry.