Document Type Security Profiles

Some users manage document types for the enterprise. Others manage documents associated with the person records that they access. For example, workers manage their own documents.

For all access requirements, you identify the document types that users can access in a document type security profile. These scenarios show typical uses of document type security profiles. To create a document type security profile, use the Manage Document Type Security Profile task.

Note: The citizenship, passports, visas and permits, and driver’s licenses that are on the Identification Info page (accessed through the Identification Info quick action) are not documents of record and access to this information is controlled using the following aggregate privileges, not document type security profiles:
  • Manage Person Citizenship
  • View Person Citizenship
  • Manage Person Passport
  • View Person Passport
  • Manage Person Visa or Permit
  • View Person Visa or Permit
  • Manage Person Driver License
  • View Person Driver License

Workers Managing Their Own Documents

Workers can manage their own documents by editing their personal information. Implementors typically assign the predefined security profile View All Document Types directly to the employee and contingent worker roles. Workers can therefore access their own documents.

Alternatively, you can create a document type security profile that includes specified document types only. In the security profile, you list document types to either include or exclude. For example, you could create a document type security profile for workers that excludes disciplinary or medical documents. Workers would access all other document types.

Human Resource Specialists Managing Document Types

Human resource (HR) specialists who manage the enterprise document types must access all document types. You can provide this access by including the predefined security profile View All Document Types in the HCM data role for HR specialists. Using this security profile, HR specialists can also manage documents of administrator-defined types in the person records that they manage.