Item Batch Structure Options

Item batch structure options let you specify a defined item structure, how structure effectivity is controlled, and which structure components are updated.

You can update structures on preliminary items and change orders.

Structure Effectivity Control

The following controls determine when changes to product structure components become effective:

  • Date: Effectivity on a specified date

  • Model Unit Number: Effectivity based on unit number

  • Serial: Effectivity based on the serial number assigned to each unit of an item

Update Options

You can select to update only those structure components that have changed, or you can update all. The update options are:
  • Changed components only: Use the Item Structure batch option Changed components only to update the item structure with only the changed structure components.
  • All components: Use the Item Structure batch option All components in the Edit Item Batch Options page to dynamically update all structure entities. The import considers the data provided in the import file as the source of truth and updates the structure of the item accordingly.
  • To remove any structure data using All components batch option, exclude the details of the entity such as component, reference designator or substitute component from the import file.
  • The All components batch option only supports the synchronization of structure entities like components, substitutes, and reference designators. It doesn’t support the synchronization of AMLs.
  • The Delete transaction type and the Replace function aren’t supported for the All components batch option in structure import.
  • If there are errors when using the All components batch option the complete transaction isn’t rolled back. The changes without errors are imported and the changes that caused errors are captured in the error log.

Deleting Component Data Using Import

Use the Delete transaction type in item structure import maps and FBDI templates to delete structure components, substitutes, and reference designators you don't want in the item structure.

Here's how you can do this:
  • Set the Update option to Changed components only in the Item Structure section of the Edit Item Batches page. This only deletes the selected components in the item structure through the import process.
    Note: You can also delete structure entities using FBDI import by selecting the transaction type as Delete.
  • Map the transaction type of each entity you wish to delete and pass the transaction type as Delete in the import file. For example, if you want to delete a reference designator, you can select the Delete transaction type for the reference designator.
  • If the import file includes a Delete component transaction type and an End Date value, the application will use the end date to complete the import.
  • The following existing validations will be applicable for the All components batch option and the Delete component transaction type:
    • You must route the structure changes through a change order if the parent item is a released engineering item or if it’s already assigned to a change order.
    • If you want to merge the structure changes on to the existing affected item, the effective dates must match or they must be set to effective on approval.