How Many Salary Bases to Create

You need to create a separate salary basis, for each unique combination of the following characteristics associated with a worker's base pay.

A good practice if you require many salary bases in your organization is to use descriptive names. Examples are CA Hourly Wages, UK Annual Salary with Components, and Adjunct Pay 3 Credit Courses.

Legislative Data Group (LDG)

How many LDGs are in your enterprise? You can create salary bases within a particular LDG. You can't share salary bases across LDGs. Each salary basis name and each salary basis code must be unique within a legislative data group (LDG).

Frequency and Annualization Factor

How many different frequencies for quoting base pay are in use? People with multiple assignments on different payroll frequencies need to have a different salary basis associated with each assignment.

Do any of the frequencies have multiple annualization factors for base pay? Your number of salary bases increases by one for each extra annualization factor in each separate LDG.

Payroll Element and Currency

Do you want to use the same payroll element for different salary bases? You can do this if the element has these configurations:

  • It's a recurring earnings element.
  • It allows multiple entries in the same period.

How many currencies do you pay people in, within a single LDG? You need one payroll element for each currency within an LDG. You also need a separate salary basis for each payroll element.


Do you want to itemize salary? You need one extra salary basis for each unique collection of components.

Grade Rates and Differential Profiles

How many grade rates are you using? The number of salary bases increases by one for each grade rate in use. You can reduce the number of grade rates by using a differential profile. Profiles with the compensation zone or compensation zone and business unit criteria can have grade rates configured instead of multipliers. The number of salary bases increases by one for each differential profile in use.

Rounding Rules and Decimal Precision

How many different rounding rules do you use for salary amount? The number of salary bases increases by one for each rounding rule in use.

How many different decimal places do you display? The number of salary bases increases by one for each decimal precision in use.