How Order Management Transforms Order Lines Into Fulfillment Lines

Order Management transforms order lines into fulfillment lines.

Assume you create a sales order for a laptop computer that comes with accessories, such as a docking station and mouse, then click Submit.

Order Management transforms order lines to fulfillment lines when it receives a source order from a source system

Here's how Order Management transforms the order.

  • Transforms two order lines into six fulfillment lines.

  • Uses the price from the source order to set the price in the sales order.

  • Transforms the line for the laptop in the source order to fulfillment line 1.

  • Transforms the Accessory Package in the source order to more than one fulfillment line. Each line represents part of the content of the Accessory Package, such as docking station, mouse, AC adapter, and so on.


  • The number of fulfillment lines might exceed the number of order lines, or Order Management might use a different sequence when it displays these lines. These differences happen because Order Management applies different fulfillment requirements to each fulfillment line, such as available inventory, scheduling requirements, or shipping requirements.

  • You use the Manage Fulfillment Lines page to manage these lines.

  • Transformation for your sales order might be different, depending on how your order administrator sets up transformation.