Derived Factors

Derived factors define how to calculate certain eligibility criteria that change over time, such as a person's age or length of service. You add derived factors to eligibility profiles and then associate the profiles with objects that restrict eligibility.

Derived Factor Types

Using the Manage Derived Factors task, you can create six different types of derived factors:

  • Age

  • Length of service

  • A combination of age and length of service

  • Compensation

  • Hours worked

  • Full-time equivalent

Determination Rules and Other Settings

For each factor that you create, you specify one or more rules about how eligibility is determined. The following table provides example settings for two factors.


Example Settings

Age derived

Select a determination rule to specify the day on which to evaluate the person's calculated age for eligibility.

Example: If the determination rule is set to the first of the year, then the person's age as of the first of the year is used to determine eligibility.

Full-time equivalent

Specify the minimum and maximum full-time equivalent percentage and whether to use the primary assignment or the sum of all assignments when evaluating eligibility.

Example: If 90 to 100 percent is the percentage range for the sum of all assignments, then a person who works 50 percent full-time on two different assignments is considered eligible.

For derived factors pertaining to time and monetary amounts, you can also set the following rules:

  • Unit of measure

  • Rounding rule

  • Minimum and maximum time or amount