Min-Max Planning Report Parameter Options

When you run the Min-Max Planning report, you set many parameters to specify the results you want for the current submission of the report.

Min-Max Planning Report Parameters

This table lists the parameters you specify when you run the min-max planning report and explains the options you select for each parameter.




Specify the organization to run the report for.

Sort By

Select one of the following to specify how you want the report output sorted:

  • Item

  • Category

  • Buyer

From Item and To Item

Enter a range of items to restrict the report to one or more items.

Planning Level

Specify whether min-max planning will be performed for the entire organization or for a specific subinventory.

Item Selection

Specify whether min-max planning will include only items under minimum quantity, only items over maximum quantity, or all min-max planned items.


Enter the subinventory for which you want to run the report.

Lot Control

Specify whether min-max planning will include lot controlled items, non-lot controlled items, or both.

Demand Cutoff Date

Enter the demand cutoff date. The report includes demand on or before this date.

Demand Cutoff Date Offset

Enter the demand cutoff date offset. The value that you enter here's subtracted from the current date. For example, if you enter a value of 2 for the Demand Cutoff Date Offset, the application considers demand within the current day minus two days.

The Min-Max Planning report now runs for demand between the value that you entered for the Demand Cutoff Date and this new date (current date minus offset).

Supply Cutoff Date

Enter the supply cutoff date. The min-max planning calculation includes open supply orders on or before this date.

Supply Cutoff Date Offset

Enter the supply cutoff date offset.


Enter yes or no to indicate whether to generate purchase requisition information or movement request orders.

Ship-to Location

Enter the ship-to location to be specified on any requisition records created during the Min-Max Planning process.

Net Unreserved Orders

Enter yes or no to specify whether to include unreserved order quantity in min-max planning calculations.

Include Interface Supply

Enter yes or no to indicate whether to include interface supply as supply quantity.

Net Reserved Orders

Enter yes or no to specify whether to include reserved order quantity in min-max planning calculations.

Include Nonnettable Subinventories

Enter yes or no to specify whether to include nonnettable subinventories.

Display Format

Choose one of the following:

  • Display all information.

    The report displays all columns.

  • Do not display supply and demand details.

    The report doesn't display the Minimum Order Quantity, Maximum Order Quantity, and Multiple Order Quantity columns.

  • Do not display order constraints.

    The report doesn't display the On-Hand Quantity column.

Display Item Description

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to display item description.

Include Purchase Order Supply

Enter yes or no to indicate whether to include purchase order supply.

From Category and To Category

Enter a range of categories to restrict the report to one or more categories.

From Buyer and To Buyer

Enter a range of buyers to restrict the report to one or more buyers.

Purchasing by Revision

Specify whether to issue purchase order by item revision.

Include Movement Request Supply

Specify whether movement request supply will be included in the min-max planning calculations.

Include Subinventories Without On-Hand Quantities

Enter yes or no to indicate whether the min-max planning planning process creates replenishment movement requests when the source subinventory has zero item on-hand quantity.

When this value is set to No, the min-max planning process suppresses the creation of the replenishment movement request when the source subinventory has zero item on-hand quantity.