Item Descriptive Flexfields

You can use descriptive flexfields to capture additional information about items beyond what is provided by the predefined set of operational attributes in Oracle Product Hub.

Item Descriptive Flexfields

If you are not using Product Hub, then you cannot create user-defined attribute groups and attributes. However you can use descriptive flexfields associated at Item level to create fields to capture information about items. Like other descriptive flexfields, item descriptive flexfields have context segments and context-sensitive segments whose values are validated on entry by value sets. You can define the value sets to control what values users can enter in a descriptive flexfield segment. Examples of information that you might capture are size and volumetric weight.

Manage this flexfield type by using the Manage Item Descriptive Flexfields task available in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Item Revision Descriptive Flexfields

Use descriptive flexfields associated at Item Revision level to capture item revision information whose values may differ between revisions of the same item.

Manage this flexfield type by using the Manage Item Revision Descriptive Flexfields task available in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Item Relationship Descriptive Flexfields

When defining descriptive flexfields associated with item relationships, you must use certain prefixes when naming the context segments, in order for the segments to be displayed for the respective relationships.

The prefixes required for naming the context segments are listed in the following table, with their corresponding item relationship types. For example, if you define an item relationship descriptive flexfield with a context segment named RELATED_RELATIONSHIP_ATTRIBUTES, then the value segments of this context will be displayed for Related Item Relationships when users conduct transactions in that context. For another example, when users navigate to a UI of a particular object, such as a Competitor Item, they see the contexts whose internal name has the prefix COMP.

Relationship Type

Prefix for Context Segment

Competitor Item Relationship


Customer Item Relationship


Item Cross-reference Relationship


GTIN Relationship


Manufacturer Part Number Relationship


Related Item Relationship


Source System Item Relationship


Manage this flexfield type by using the Manage Item Relationship Descriptive Flexfields task available in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Trading Partner Item Descriptive Flexfields

When defining descriptive flexfields associated with trading partner items, you must use certain prefixes when naming the context segments, in order for the segments to be displayed for the respective trading partner type.

The prefixes required for naming the context segments are listed in the following table, with their corresponding trading partner types. For example, if you define a trading partner item descriptive flexfield with a context segment named COMP_TPI_ATTRIBUTES, then the value segments of this context will be displayed for Competitor Item when users conduct transactions in that context.

Trading Partner Type

Prefix for Context Segment

Competitor Item


Customer Item


Manufacturer Item


Manage this flexfield type by using the Manage Trading Partner Item Descriptive Flexfields task available in the Setup and Maintenance work area.