When does AutoInvoice purge processed data?

If the Purge interface tables Receivables system option is enabled, then the Purge AutoInvoice Interface Data process runs automatically after AutoInvoice has validated and transferred data to Receivables.

If the Purge interface tables Receivables system option isn't enabled, then you must submit the Purge AutoInvoice Interface Data process manually to purge temporary data.

The process deletes both processed records and unprocessed records for the applicable business units:

  • Processed records include all records from the interface tables that were validated and successfully imported as transactions into Receivables. These records have a status of P.

  • Unprocessed records include all records that weren't successfully transferred to Receivables. Unprocessed records either have no status, or the status of E, for transaction lines that ended in error and weren't transferred to Receivables.