How You Use Statement Cycles

Use statement cycles to determine when to send statements to your customers. You assign statement cycles to customer and site level profiles.

If you print statements for a specific customer, then:

  • If you defined a statement site for the customer, Receivables uses the statement cycle defined in the customer account profile as the default statement cycle to use for printing.

  • If you didn't define a statement site, Receivables uses the statement cycle defined in the customer site profile for each applicable bill-to site included in the print run.

If you don't select a customer, then Receivables prints statements for all customers that have a statement cycle that matches the statement cycle you enter for the print run.

When you create a statement cycle, you define the interval to use for the cycle (weekly, monthly, quarterly) and the dates on which to print statements for the cycle. You can also indicate if Receivables should skip certain statement dates.

Receivables includes all activity from the last time you printed a statement for this customer to the current statement date, even if the customer statement cycle is set up to skip printing on one or more statement dates. Receivables also includes open debit items from prior periods in the statement.


Consider the following criteria:

  • System Date: 03-SEP-11

  • Statement Date: 01-SEP-11

  • Previous Statement Date: 01-JUN-11 (skipped)

  • Statement Cycle: Quarterly

The activity included in this statement spans the date the statement was last printed on 01-MAR-11 to the current statement date of 01-SEP-11. The previous statement dated 01-JUN-11 had been skipped, so the activity for that period now shows on the current statement.

This figure illustrates the activity included in this statement:

This figure contains two lines showing transaction activity and statement dates, to illustrate the results of printing a statement according to the criteria specified in the example.

This table provides an explanation of the logic used to include particular transactions on the statement based on transaction date.

Invoice Creation Date

Included in Statement?

Invoice Date: 28-FEB-11

No, unless the invoice is either still open or was closed between 01-MAR-11 and 31-AUG-11.

Invoice Date: 30-AUG-11

Yes, because the invoice date is between the date the statement was last printed and the statement date.

Invoice Date: 02-SEP-11

No, because the invoice date is later than the statement date.