How You Update and Version Profile Classes

After you update an existing profile class, Receivables presents you with three options for how to save your updates. You can update the profile class record only, or you can update the profile class record along with updating the profiles that make use of this record.

The three options for updating profile class records are:

  • Apply changes to new profiles only.

  • Apply changes to unmodified profiles and version existing unmodified profiles.

  • Apply changes to all profiles and version all existing profiles.

This update process is managed by the Propagate Customer Profile Class Update program.

Apply changes to new profiles only

This option updates the profile class record only. It doesn't apply your updates to any account or site profile that uses this profile class.

The changes you make to this profile class will apply to new account or site profiles that are assigned this profile class.

Apply changes to unmodified profiles and version existing unmodified profiles

This option applies versioning to profiles that don't have modified settings. The update process for this option is:

  • Updates the profile class record.

  • Applies your updates to unmodified account and site profiles that use this profile class.

  • Creates a new version of account and site profiles that use this profile class, using the system date as the effective start date.

  • Assigns the previous version of account and site profiles that use this profile class an effective end date of the day before the system date. This previous version remains valid within its effective date range.

Use the Profile History tab of customer account and site records to view the versions of a profile.

Apply changes to all profiles and version all existing profiles

This option applies versioning to all profiles. The update process for this option is:

  • Updates the profile class record.

  • Applies your updates to all account and site profiles that use this profile class.

  • Creates a new version of account and site profiles that use this profile class, using the system date as the effective start date.

  • Assigns the previous version of account and site profiles that use this profile class an effective end date of the day before the system date. This previous version remains valid within its effective date range.

Use the Profile History tab of customer account and site records to view the versions of a profile.