Eligibility Batch Process for Performance Documents and Check-In Templates

You can run the Eligibility Batch Process to determine which standard and anytime performance documents a population of workers is eligible to use for their performance evaluation.

You can also run the eligibility batch process to determine which population of employees are eligible to use check-in templates for creating check-in documents.

Use the batch process to process eligibility for a specific performance document for all workers in an organization. Once you run this process to determine employee eligibility, this is what happens:

  • Eligible employees can have standard performance documents created for them by HR specialists. You can create standard performance documents at the time of running the eligibility process or later.
  • Anytime performance documents are available and can be created for eligible employees.
  • Check-in documents are available and can be created for eligible employees.

Only employees who have access to the Scheduled Processes work area can run batch processes.