Refresh Workforce Compensation Data Process

To include the most recent changes to person, HR, salary, assignment segment, and terminated worker data, run the Refresh Workforce Compensation Data process. Also run this process to re-evaluate eligibility and to refresh plan hierarchies, due dates, currency conversion rates, dynamic columns, alerts, and summary section totals.

Refresh Date

You specify the date the process uses to refresh the data, calculations, and evaluations associated with the selected refresh options.

  • Actual Process Run Date: Use the system date at the time the process runs for all refreshes, including eligibility.
  • Plan Cycle Dates: Use the specified eligibility determination date to refresh eligibility and the specified HR data extraction date for all other refreshes.
  • Specific Date: Use the selected date for all refreshes, including eligibility.

Predefined alerts appear according to the alert type instead of the refresh date. Also, salary metrics associated with a promotion to a new grade, such as new salary ranges and compa-ratio, use the promotion effective date. They don't use the refresh date. The Worksheet manager does not match line manager predefined alert is retained when you run the Refresh Workforce Compensation Data process. Make sure to use the Refresh primary manager hierarchy parameter when the Primary Hierarchy source in plan setup is set to something other than Primary manager hierarchy.

To run a onetime refresh, you can select any of these refresh dates. For example, you want people to use recently updated assignment segment data. You can use any refresh date to specify when to push those changes out to plan managers and other reviewers.

To schedule a recurring refresh, you probably want to use the Actual Process Run Date or Play Cycle Dates options. For example, you want people to see the most current employment changes, such as terminations and transfers, and summary totals on their worksheets. You schedule a recurring nightly refresh of HR data using the actual process run date because this becomes the system date when the process runs. Each refresh changes by 1 day every time it runs.

When you run the Refresh Process with either the Full refresh or Refresh HR data options selected, Current Grade Ladder and Current Grade Step values for workers part of the plan are refreshed from Global HR as of the effective date selected during refresh process run.

Refresh Options

You can select one or more refresh options to process. For many options, when you select one option, you also select interconnected refreshes. For example, if you select Refresh column defaults, you automatically select the options to refresh dynamic columns, alerts, and worksheet summary section totals too.

Tip: Typically, manual primary plan manager and worker eligibility changes revert to their original values. You can use the Administer Workers task to identify the changes you don't want overridden.