Upload Data Using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader

In this example, you learn how to upload jobs for the Sales Department using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader.

This table summarizes key decisions for this scenario.

Decisions to Consider

In This Example

Which business object am I loading?


Which spreadsheet template am I using?

Sales Jobs

How do I populate the spreadsheet?

Import the file Sales_Jobs.csv, which is a comma-separated file that contains a header and uses the \n newline command.

Will I create a data set or import the file to an existing data set?

Create a data set.

Summary of the Tasks

Upload the jobs by:

  1. Generating the spreadsheet

  2. Importing Job objects to the spreadsheet

  3. Uploading jobs and correcting errors


Before you can complete this task:

  1. You must have installed the desktop client Oracle ADF 11g Desktop Integration Add-in for Excel.

  2. You must have enabled the Trust Center setting Trust access to the VBA project object model in Microsoft Excel.

  3. The Sales Jobs spreadsheet template must exist and be active.

  4. The Sales_Jobs.csv file must exist.

Generating the Spreadsheet

  1. In the Data Exchange work area, select Run Spreadsheet Data Loader.

  2. On the Run Spreadsheet Data Loader page, click Show Filters.

  3. Enter Sales Jobs in the Name field and click Search

  4. In the search results, click the name of the Sales Jobs template.

  5. In the spreadsheet dialog box, select Save File and click OK.

  6. In the file-name dialog box, select a location. Enter SalesJobs.xlsx in the File name field and click Save.

Importing Job Objects to the Spreadsheet

  1. Open the SalesJobs.xlsx spreadsheet and sign in when prompted.

  2. On the Spreadsheet Loader toolbar, click Create Data Set. Click OK to close the warning message, and click OK to close the confirmation message.

    The data set is created with a generated name.
  3. On the Spreadsheet Loader toolbar, click Import File.

  4. Complete the fields of the Import from File dialog box as shown in this table.



    File Type

    Comma separated values

    Header Included




    Escape Indicator


    Newline Indicator


  5. Click OK.

  6. Correct any Import File Errors reported in the Progress and Message columns of the Spreadsheet Line Status section of the spreadsheet.

Uploading Jobs and Correcting Errors

  1. On the Spreadsheet Loader toolbar, click Upload.

    Data is imported to the stage tables. Objects that import successfully are loaded automatically to the application tables.

  2. Click Refresh.

    Errors from both import and load are reported automatically in the Progress and Message columns of the Spreadsheet Line Status section of the spreadsheet.

  3. Correct any errors in the spreadsheet.

  4. Repeat from step 1 of Uploading Jobs and Correcting Errors until all rows are imported and loaded successfully.

  5. Close the spreadsheet.